This is probably one of the most important sections of the interview, where you get to turn the table and ask some specifics about the job and the workplace. Now before you ask your question, make sure it hasn't already been answered, either in the advertisement for the job or during the previous discussion about the work and workplace. 这可能是整个面试中最为关键的环节之一。你可以自由提问,来了解工作详情和工作环境等。不过,在提问之前,一定要确保你要问的问题在招聘广告里面没有说明,而且在之前的谈话中也没有提到过。 推荐问题: 1.I'm very interested to find out from you guys where do you see the company in five years? I mean what's your general development plan?我很想从你们那了解你们期望贵公司五年后是个什么样的地位?就是说,贵司的大概发展计划。2.Yes, I'd like to know a little bit more about what kind of team I can expect to be working with. I like to find out more about employee benefits.想知道,如果应聘成功我会跟谁合作。想了解一下员工的福利情况。3.Yes, I am very interested in in-house training. What kind of training do you offer your employees?想了解下贵公司的内部培训情况。你能为员工提供什么样子的培训机会?4.Yes, I'd like to know the company's policy on promotion from within the workforce. Em,as you can see, one of my goals is to move into middle management by this time next year. How do you think I can go about achieving that goal?我想了解下公司关于升职的具体安排。我的一个目标是在明年的这个时候成为中层管理。我该怎样去实现这个工作目标?接下来给大家归纳了九点面试前和面试中的注意事项,看看有哪些“需做”和“勿做”。1.Be prepared and make a list. These can be of questions that will be asked, what answers you're willing to give, information on your social skills, your social life and also previous work achievements. 做充分的准备,并列出一个单子。比如有可能会被问的问题,以及你准备怎么回答这些问题;关于你的社交经验以及能力,业余时间的爱好以及工作成绩等。2.If you've been recommended for promotion, or if you have been awarded any certification from a previous employer, this is the time to mention it.如果升有过升职,或者你曾在工作中获得奖励或认证,就可以提及到。3.Dress for success. The expression tells us that if we want to appear successful,we should dress accordingly. 为成功着装——如果想表现出胸有成竹的样子,那就必须着装得当。4. Have a relaxed sitting position but don't slouch. 放轻松,保持良好的坐姿,但别驼背。5. And remember to keep looking at the person you are talking to without staring.和面试官保持眼神交流,但是别盯着对方看,6. Pay attention to all questions asked of you, and don't be afraid to confirm that you understand the question that was asked.认真听所有的问题,听不懂一定要说。7. Don't let your eyes wander off into the distance, as it shows you are easily distracted.别让眼神游离到远方,那样会显得你容易分神。8. With all of your answers, you need to be clear, and to the point. Don't ramble. If you feel that you're talking for too long, you probably are.每次回答问题时你需要简易清楚,直切主题,不要啰嗦。别没完没了。一旦你觉得自己讲的太久,那没准确实这样。9. Practice, practice, practice. Good luck! |