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OG13 D42 中they 的指代问题!请教~~

D42. Supreme Court has ruled that public universities can collect student activity fees even with students’ objections to particular activities , so long as the groups they give money to will be chosen without regard to their views.
(A) with students’ objections to particular activities, so long as the groups they give money to will be
(B) If they have objections to particular activities and the groups that are given the money are
(C) If they object to particular activities, but the groups that the money is given to have to be
(D) from students who object to particular activities, so long as the groups given money are
(E) though students have an objection to particular activities, but the groups that are given the money be

这题选D , OG 中B的解释是 Referent for they is student activities fees, which cannot possibly have objections...
还是想问指代问题,B中的they 前面有public universities ,也有activity fees 啊... 都是复数,怎么看指代谁呢?是说they 是就近指代么?  

C 选项OG的解释是they refers to student activity fees rather than students ; 还是不明白指代问题。然后接着解释:but does not have the requisite sense of with the provision that; 这句话就更不明白了....

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个人理解:这里是指 学校can collect fees的provision是要be chosen without regard to their views; 用but的话体现不出can collect fees的条件~


哦,明白了那个but的意思~~  我以为后半句的but 和前面的代词they有关系.... 看串了~~ 谢谢yiqing ~~

再顶,再顶~~~  看看有没有代词指代的介绍~~


代词 They

只能 指代 前面 出现过的  名词

they 前面能指代的 名词有:
1> public universities
2> student activity fees

根据 语句 意思 , 此处 they  指代 students

1> 2> 都没有满足 。。 因此 此处 they  无所指代。

虽然 2>中出现了 student 也不能够 指代它,因为 中心名词 是 fees .
student activity 是 NOUN adj.


还想问下~~~OG的解释是To which does “they” refer?It would appear that the "universities" must give the money,but "they" does not have a referent.



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