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GWD-23-Q20 求解答

Both the Federal Reserve’s decision that borrowing rates be raised, along with investor’s speculation that another increase might be on the way, helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks by making deposits more attractive.
A.    that borrowing rates be raised, along with investor’s speculation that another increase might be on the way, helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks by making
B.    that borrowing rates be raised and investors’ speculation of possibly another increase on the way helped to bolster the dollar in recent weeks because they made
C.    to raise borrowing rates and investors’ speculation that another increase might be on the way helped to bolster the dollar in recent weeks by making
D.    to raise borrowing rates, along with investors’ speculation that another increase might be on the way, helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks because it made
E.    to raise borrowing rates and investors’ speculation of possibly another increase on the way helped bolster the dollar in recent weeks because they made
1.decision和 speculation的修饰语是否可以不平行? E中的 investors’ speculation of possibly another increase on the way 这个表达对吗?
2.E中的they 可以指代both the Federal Reserve’s decision and  investors’ speculation吗?
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1、investors’ speculation of possibly another increase on the way 这个表达中on the way修饰another increase,那么speculation 的含义表达不完整~


1.E 的investors’ speculation of possibly another increase on the way 到底是speculation on the way还是 increase on the way ?显然这样的表达是不能清楚的说明复杂的关系的。

2.they的指代,是指the Federal Reserve and investors? 还是指decision and speculation? 指代不清!


这里的they不会指代the FR and investors,因为所有格弱指代,而且本来就应给是指decision and speculation,所以they不会造成歧义~

psZ,E中除了之前提到的问题之外,用because导致表达的含义没有正确选项丰富,正确选项中,by making表达是通过making来达成......,可是E中用because代替后少了这层含义~




investors’ speculation of possibly another increase on the way ,这里也有问题。



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