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The Earth’s rivers constantly carry dissolved salts into its oceans.Clearly, therefore, by taking the resulting increase in salt levels in the oceans over the past hundred years and then determining how many centuries of such increases it would have taken the oceans to reach current salt levels from a hypothetical initial salt-free state, the maximum age of the Earth’s oceans can be accurately estimated.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.The quantities of dissolved salts deposited by rivers in the Earth’s oceans have not beenunusually large during the past hundred years.

B.At any given time, all the Earth’s rivers have about the same salt levels.

C.There are salts that leach into the Earth’s oceans directly from the ocean floor.

D.There is no method superior to that based on salt levels for estimating the maximum age of the Earth’s oceans.

E.None of the salts carried into the Earth’s oceans by rivers are used up by biological activity in the oceans.

做的时候选了正确答案A, 可是再回头看的时候感觉E也是对的。。。。。如果说需要排除weaken 结论的条件,E应该也可以weaken 结论啊?

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事实:The Earth’s rivers constantly carry dissolved salts into its oceans.

结论:by taking the resulting increase in salt levels in the oceans over the past hundred years and then determining how many centuries of such increases it would have taken the oceans to reach current salt levels from a hypothetical initial salt-free state, the maximum age of the Earth’s oceans can be accurately estimated.

注意看事实,只提及carry dissolved salts into its oceans。




open to further discussion~~~


我覺得E選項中的“salts carried into the Earth’s oceans by rivers”和原文中的“a hypothetical initial salt-free state”衝突,因為既然最早的海是不含鹽的,所以從遠古時候,海裡的鹽-即來自河裡的鹽-就不斷地被生物在用,不存在哪一部分被用光的問題。另外我覺得題目也假設從古至今生物用鹽的速率是一樣的






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