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OG12 CR11

Wood Smoke contains dangerous tocins that cause changes in human cells.
Becasue wood smoke presents such a high health rish, legislation is needed to regulate the use of open-air fires and wood-burning stoves

Which support the argument?

B) Within the jurisdiction covered by the proposed legislation, most heating and cooking is done with oil or natural gas

Why this answer is wrong??
I think it dose support the arugment cuz it saying the for those areas that have the legislation, heating and cooking is by other methods not wood-burning.

Thank you!!!
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文中应该有个bridge,就是wood smoke = open-air fire and wood-

burning stoves. 但是b时natural gas, 文中并没有说natural gas 产生的

热或者烟时wood smoke, 所以无关


thank u!!


按照CR BIBLE的说法,这种加强题不是可以引入新信息的么?



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