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Plant scientists have been able to genetically engineer vegetable seeds to produce crops that are highly resistant to insect damage. Although these seeds currently cost more than conventional seeds, their cost is likely to decline. Moreover, farmers planting them can use far less pesticide, and most consumers prefer vegetables grown with less pesticide,therefore, for crops for which these seeds can be developed, their use is likely to become the norm.
Which of the following would be most useful to know in evaluating the argument above?
A.Whether plant scientists have developed insect-resistant seedsfor every crop that is currently grown commercially

B.Whether farmers typically use agricultural pesticides in large amounts than is necessary to prevent crop damage.

C.Whether plants grown from the new genetically engineered seedcan be kept completely free of insect damage.

D.Whether seeds genetically engineered to produce insect-resistant crops generate significantly lower per acre crop yields than docurrently used seeds.

E.Whether most varieties of crops currently grown commercially have greater natural resistance to insect damage than did similar varieties in the past.

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需要评价的argument是,科学家研发的种子长出来的农作物会成为标准,即这种农作物的应用会得到推广,因为以后价格会下降,而且杀虫剂使用较少。但根据d选项,如果新型种子每亩产量远远小于现有种子(种了一大堆种子,没几个长成庄稼,经济价值不高),它们可能就无法become the norm. b选项,农民是否typically使用了超过需要量的杀虫剂与新型种子没关,不是阻碍新型种子become the norm的因素。



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