AA 92: The following is taken from an editorial in a local newspaper.
“Over the past decade, the price per pound of citrus fruit has increased substantially. Eleven years ago, Megamart charged 5 cents apiece for lemons, but today it commonly charges over 30 cents apiece. In only one of these last eleven years was the weather unfavorable for growing citrus crops. Evidently, then, citrus growers have been responsible for the excessive increase in the price of citrus fruit, and strict pricing regulations are needed to prevent them from continuing to inflate prices.”
AI 138: “Although restricting public access can help protect national parks and historical sites, in fact there should be few, if any, such restrictions because these places were intended for everyone to use.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1:在循环利用中,被污染的再生物,可能会导致污染产品。为了解决这个问题,需要进行专门的处理。然而进行此处理,增加了成本。一般进行收集,运输和处理的成本是每吨x1到x2(数字范围),而以往的处理方式是y1到y2/吨(比X低的数字范围)。这样工厂市场上无法cover其成本。但是可以通过要求政府资助。如果政府进行强制规定,必须使用可回收物质做原材料,相应的可回收原材料的需求增大,因此也导致市场价值提高。(意思就是用新流程的企业可以保证赢利) 此篇問的題目有: 1). main idea 2). 使用MRF為何成本會比較高 (costly) 3). 可回收物質市場價值提高的原因為何?
2: 一篇是讲大脑传递信息的,叫working memory。有个人认为这个功能是在大脑的前额后面的一个地方负责的。并且不同的subregion负责不同的信息,如空间信息,形象信息等。这与传统的executive system理论不同。第二段又说有一个新实验,加强了那个人的理论。问题中问如果试验出什么结果,就会greatly undermine那个人的理论。
3: GWD-12 white lead
4: 说一些经济学指标(GNP等)不能反映生产过程中对natural resources的消耗。人们常常低估natural resources的价值,有的人甚至认为它是inconsequential的。manufacturers 预计的profits常常低于实际产生的profits--就是因为他们没有把自然资源的损耗计算在成本内。由于人们的漠视,新技术有时会向着不利于环境的方向发展。作者指出人们应当充分意识到自然资源的社会价值,不要在破坏了环境之后再去补救。
1. 比较
Heating bills this winter will be greater than recent years
Heating bills will be greater this winter than in recent years
2. only when....后面谓语倒装用单数. Is it
3. GWD Bee sting….., results….. ( C )
2. 有一个boldface
Recently , the primary investor of company A found that the company keeps manufacturing products even after the inventory have overstocked. Therefore, the investor argues that the company is mismanagement. However, when investors step into operations, most likely they do not see the whole picture. In this case, the primary investor's conclusion is not justified since, although the inventory have been overstocked, the company's orders will be seasonaly increasing without doubt.
答案很好排除. 第二个是main conclusion. 只有两个答案是说对了. 接下来第一个boldface是与作者相反的观点. 当然. 原文比这要复杂, 我把它简化了.
3. carbon dating可以用来估算文物的年代. 而有一种texture的dating也可以估算, 他根据字体和其间的写作方式来确定, 而且很精确, 误差在前后20年之间. 因此, texture dating比carbon dating好因为....
答案: carbon dating 误差在前后一百年.
4. 还有那道water-power-jet is safer than any other watercraft. Ask for counterattack.
Ans: water jet collides mostly with expensive watercraft, thereby they usually purchase insurance
INE>INE>INE>INE>1. 等边直角三角行,下面是正方形,边长8,求2个一起的面积
2. 求X, 条件一可以抽象成一个aX+bY=C的方程,条件二也可以。可是仔细一看条件二为2aX+2bY=2C。这样的话是无法求出X的。(E)
3. |x| = |y|, x/y =1? 1) x>0 2) y<0
Ans: 我個人是覺得C
4. 某人收入增长了15%,工作小时数减少了10%,问每小时的收入增长多少百分比?
5. DS,问能否求出平均years of experience
人数 |
3 |
x |
10x |
x |
x |
Years of experience |
1 |
4 |
5 |
9 |
10 |
a) 总共有16人 b)总共有years of experience76年 参考答案:D
6. 10个苹果,8个好,挑4个好的概率那道题。C(8,4)/C(10,4)=1/3
7. x is unit digit, y is tenth digit, ask if (123,456,789)^2, what is x, y?
I. x = 1, II. Y=2 ,III Y=4
A) I
Ans: 我個人是覺得D
8. 假設某家店有個產品,在批發來之後,它的原始定價original sale price為X%的retail price,一個月之後,則會推出discount sale price為Y%的original sale price。今天假設retail price = 72,則discount sale price為多少? a. X*Y = 5600 b. 8X = 7Y
Ans: 我個人是覺得A
9. 一个什么集合,shareholder占62%, employee占47%,问是shareholder NOT employee的百分比。选项有 38%,45%,53%等,选53%。
10. DS:问某直线的斜率是否<0
10.. (PS)下面哪组数字满足:两两之间都有公约数,但是3个数之间没有共同的非1的因子。 A. 12-36-18 B. 21-28-12 C. 17-26-28
(B) |