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need advice on my application to HKUST

I am over 29years old, I don't know if this "old" age would affect my application for HKUST? and second, I specially care about the job market, as you have said, most graduates from mainland have to choose to come back, would someone tell me about their job seeking situation? such as the length of time before finding the first job, the salary, the position, and so on. thank you for your information in advance.

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most graduates from mainland have to choose to come back

If come back directory, I think the best choice is CEIBS. Although HKUST is no1 in asia pacific, but for MBA alumini is rather powerful, expecially in China.


I agree that CEIBS has a better network in Mainland, especially in SH. Currently some well known companies recruit regularly at CEIBS.



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