感觉还可以,几乎没做到几何题。汗…… 数学提前半小时交,语文还差50秒做完。740 最后时间不够的时候千万不要着急,我语文最后五题还有五分钟,当时都想放弃了,不过想到之前有人说不能慌,所以才静下心来加紧做。争取一题是一题。 我在考试前一天没玩命做题,因为发现老做题很容易产生逆反心理。所以就写了写作文,随便做了GWD一套中的几道题。
作文: AI:(大概意思,懒得找原题了-_-)should managers have the right to obtain information about their employees' personal lives? AA:(原题)
The following is part of a business plan created by the management of the Megamart grocery store.
“Our total sales have increased this year by 20 percent since we added a pharmacy section to our grocery store. Clearly, the customer’s main concern is the convenience afforded by one-stop shopping. The surest way to increase our profits over the next couple of years, therefore, is to add a clothing department along with an automotive supplies and repair shop. We should also plan to continue adding new departments and services, such as a restaurant and a garden shop, in subsequent years. Being the only store in the area that offers such a range of services will give us a competitive advantage over other local stores.”
Discuss how well reasoned... etc.
数学: 1 JJ题,跑外圈内圈的,答案是300Pi那个(看来真的是很重要),不过要计算出大概的数来。 2 10个interview的时间,7个interviewee,问有多少种interviewee的安排。
语文部分: 1 阅读:没碰到一个之前仔细看的JJ题,气 -_- 一题是讲印第安用水的问题,是GWD那文的变体,问题还行,不是特难,短文章 一题是讲一种论点说根据化石和现存动物,证明高山顶上原来是树林,然后说一个观点可能反对,说高山顶上是草地,然后………………(这题我实在看不下去了,也根本没看完,乱答的) 还有一题是讲一种理论说雇员productivity的增加致使wage提高,working hour减少,然后另一个理论说应该是反的,是wage增设,working hour减少致使productivity增加。作者好像偏向后一个论点
2 语法:考到大象那题(不过因为我之前没找到JJ上的这题,所以也是现想,痛苦) 遇到两道黑体题-___-(郁闷!),其中一个讲一个州的警局提出一个新的方案,导致州里过去几年犯罪减少。然后一个观点说不对,过去几年每个州整体的犯罪都减少了,然后一个警察站出来说这个观点错误,因为警局提出一个这个新方案之后就立刻在所有州里的警局都推广了。
3 逻辑:讲到合法非法捕鱼,说因为合法捕鱼没有增减,而鱼减了9000磅,所以说非法捕鱼捕了9000磅,问assumption(之前看JJ说选非法捕鱼没有合法捕鱼捕到同样的鱼-_-???我选了非法捕鱼没有使鱼量减少,不知道对不对)。
之前看了不少JJ,很感谢提供JJ的同志们~,希望我写的也对大家有帮助^_^ 也希望所有考试的同志都能考到自己理想的分数:)努力! |