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Consider a financial services salesperson whose annual salary consists of both a fixed portion of $25,000 and a variable portion that is a commission based on her sales performance. In particular, she estimates that her monthly sales commission can be represented by a random variable with mean $5000 and standard deviation $700.

Assuming that her sales commissions in different months are independent random variables, what is the standard deviation of her annual salary?

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这是哪里的题啊?不会是gmat的吧,居然要用到 Markov stochastic process的性质。According to the theory of Markov stochastic process, when we add two independant normal distributions, the result is a normal distribution where the mean is the sum of the mean and the variance is the sum of the variances. So

for annual salary:

mean = 25,000 + 5,000 + ..... + 5,000 (there are totally 12 '5,000') = 85,000

variance = 700*700 + ........ + 700*700 (there are totally 12 such terms) = 12*490,000

standard deviation = square root of variance = 2*700*1.732



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