Rutgers Undergrad is ranking between 50-70. This is a very good school indeed. A lot of headquarters located in New Jersey and Rutgers students are taking this advantage to find jobs in New York and New Jersey area. I highly recommend Rutgers for its location and academic reputation.
New Jersey has a large Chinese population, so, you can have all the chinese food you want in New Jersey area. Rutgers is only 40 mins away from New York. You won't be homesick if you go to Rutgers. There are many Asian people and Chinese people there, a lot of fun.
Generally speaking, laceName w:st="on">RutgerslaceName> laceName w:st="on">BusinesslaceName> laceType w:st="on">SchoollaceType> is in the 3rd tier; most RBS students are in the finance major (it might be relate to NYC).