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PREP 2007 CR1 第48题

Parasitic wasps laytheir eggs directly into the eggs of various host insects in exactly the rightnumbers for any suitable size of host egg. If they laid too many eggs in a host egg, the developing wasp larvaewould compete with each other to the death for nutrients and space.  If too few eggs were laid, portions of thehost egg would decay, killing the wasp larvae.

Which of the followingconclusions can properly be drawn from the information above?

(A) The size of thesmallest host egg that a wasp could theoretically parasitize can be determinedfrom the wasp's egg-laying behavior.

(B) Host insects lackany effective defenses against the form of predation practiced by parasiticwasps.

(C) Parasitic waspslearn from experience how many eggs to lay into the eggs of different hostspecies.

(D) Failure to layenough eggs would lead to the death of the developing wasp larvae more quicklythan would laying too many eggs.

(E) Parasitic waspsuse visual clues to calculate the size of a host egg.


为什么?smallest host egg是什么?

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This is a must be true type of question.

A is the correct answer. The stimulus says "Parasitic wasps lay their eggs directly into the eggs of various host insects in exactly the right numbers for any suitable size of host egg." If so, the wasp can adjust the number of eggs laid according to the size of the host egg.  So you simply sit next to the host eggs and count how many eggs the parasitic wasp lays. Make a chart and compare. The host egg receiving the lowest amount of parasit eggs would be the smallest host egg.




To put it simply, if a nest has 20 eggs, and the wasp laid 9 eggs into one egg and more than 9 in the other 19, then the egg received 9 wasp eggs is the smallest egg.




Again, this is a must be true question, meaning the correct answer

MUST be found in the passage. No where in the passage mentioned the

"experience" from which the wasp learned the trick. Thus, C) is wrong.

For example, it is possible this trait is genetically based.



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