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A public-service advertisement advises that people who have consumed alcohol should not drive until they can do so safely. In a hospital study, however, subjects questioned immediately after they consumed alcohol underestimated the time necessary to regain their driving ability. This result indicates that many people who drink before driving will have difficulty following the advertisement’s advice.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument above?
(A) Many people, if they plan to drink alcohol, make arrangements beforehand for a nondrinker to drive them home.
(B) The subjects in the hospital study generally rated their abilities more conservatively than would people drinking alcohol outside a hospital setting.
(C) Some people refrain from drinking if they will have to drive to get home afterward.
(D) The subjects in the hospital study were also questioned about the time necessary to regain abilities that do not play an important role in driving safely.
(E) Awareness of the public-service advertisement is higher among the general population than it was among the subjects in the hospital study.

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B) for sure. It makes the result from a small survey of a fraction of the general population clearly and truthfully indicative of the whole general population.


Does it mean that the advice of the public-service advertisement is based on the study in hospital?


No. The survey SUPPORTS the advice given by the advertisement the conclusion of the passage.


题目中说公共广告建议人们喝酒后要等自己恢复driving ability 后再去drive。一项医院study表示,subjects低估了自己的恢复时间,也就是说假如本来要1个小时恢复,结果自己却以为20分钟就恢复了。所以这些results就表明了喝酒后的人在开车前要听从advertisement的建议是困难的。
B选项中说在医院做调查的人们说的话都是要比在outside hospital更加保守和真实,反过来就是说outside时候比较夸张,不复合真实醒酒时间的情况,即低估自己的醒酒时间,所以不能在醒酒后开车,正好加强了argument:have difficulty following advice。



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