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GWD6-Q11 怎么没有人讨论这一道题,为什么选D, 不选E


more, the daily movements of sloth

bears and American black bears—

which are similar in size to sloth bears

and have similar-sized home ranges—

reveal similar travel rates and distances,

suggesting that if black bear cubs are

able to keep up with their mother, so

too should sloth bear cubs.

Q 11. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the author’s argument in lines 18-26 (“Furthermore … sloth bear cubs”)?


A     Cub-carrying behavior has been observed in many non-myrmecophagous mammals.

B      Many of the largest myrmecophagous mammals do not typically exhibit cub-carrying behavior.

C      Some sloth bears have home ranges that are smaller in size than the average home ranges of black bears.

D     The locomotion of black bears is significantly more efficient than the locomotion of sloth bears.

E      The habitat of black bears consists of terrain that is significantly more varied than that of the habitat of sloth bears.

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I am also selecting E, but now think D is better.

Reason: pls notice "furthmore",which is following by "However". So these two examples are to oppose "one explanation is that.....since myrmecophagy entails a low metaboic rate and high energy expenditure....". Therefore, if locomotion of black bears is more efficient, the conclusion will be weakened.





BB和SB的range之类的一样   但地形更复杂   所以会更消耗能量  SB不一定能做到   而且假设SB能做到  那么他的range应该在复杂的地形下比BB小




the daily movements of sloth

(20)      bears and American black bears—

     (which are similar in size to sloth bears

      and have similar-sized home ranges—)

reveal similar travel rates and distances,

我看成是movements are similar⋯⋯我就奇怪为什么文章说了移动差不多,d还说more efficient呢?原来是自己看错了


【选项D】 黑熊的动作更敏捷。(黑熊敏捷跟得上,懒熊不敏捷就不一定了。weaken)。
【选项E】 黑熊的地形更复杂。(黑熊在复杂的地形都跟得上,懒熊在简单的地形就更应该跟得上了。support)。



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