1. There are 1200 respondents to a poll, each favoring their preference for candidates A, B, and C. 54% favored A, 48% favored B, and 42% favored C, and there is 30% favored both A and B. What’s the largest possible number of respondents favoring C, but not C & B, nor C &A. 1200×0.28=336 【思路】题目问只选C 的最大可能数是多少,要使这个数最大,就要满足所有选C 的人,都不会同时选A 或者B。即P(c)=1-P(A+B)=1-[P(A)+P(B)-P(AB)]=1-(0.54+0.48-0.3)=0.28。
思路很好理解,但有个问题: 假设所有满足C的人都不会同时选A或者B, 那不是说C和A, C和B都没有交集。题目又给出favor C的人数为42%,那么不是说单纯C就是42%?
偶又错在哪里了? |