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GWD7-Q10 正确答案真的正确吗·??

GWD7 Q10-Q12
Linda Kerber argued in the mid-1980’s that after the American Revolution (1775-1783), an ideology of “republican motherhood” resulted in a surge of educational opportunities for women in the United States

.Kerber maintained that the leaders of the new nation wanted women to be educated in order to raise politically virtuous sons.A virtuous citizenry was considered essential to the success of the country’s republican form of government; virtue was to be instilled not only by churches and schools, but by families, where the mother’s role was crucial.Thus, according to Kerber, motherhood became pivotal to the fate of the republic, providing justification for an unprecedented attention to female education.
Introduction of the republican motherhood thesis dramatically changed historiography.Prior to Kerber’s work, educational historians barely mentioned women and girls; Thomas Woody’s 1929 work is the notable exception.Examining newspaper advertisements for academies, Woody found that educational opportunities increased for both girls and boys around 1750.Pointing to “An Essay on Woman” (1753) as reflecting a shift in view, Woody also claimed that practical education for females had many advocates before the Revolution. Woody’s evidence challenges the notion that the Revolution changed attitudes regarding female education, although it may have accelerated earlier trends. Historians’ reliance on Kerber’s “republican motherhood” thesis may have obscured the presence of these trends, making it difficult to determine to what extent the Revolution really changed women’s lives.


According to the passage, within the field of educational history, Thomas Woody’s 1929 work was

A.innovative because it relied on newspaper advertisements as evidence

B.exceptional in that it concentrated on the period before the American Revolution

C.unusual in that it focused on educational attitudes rather than on educational practices

D.controversial in its claims regarding educational opportunities for boys

E.atypical in that it examined the education of girls

定位在表黄处,我认为答案应该是选B,因为明确指出来T的理论是在K之前,并且K是研究在American Revolution之后的,所以选B,E答案错是因为K不仅仅examine girls,还有women,不完善
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B.exceptional in that it concentrated on the period before the American Revolution

B是错的啊。 B 翻译成中文是指TW 这个人是一个例外, 他例外在于他的研究重心偏向于美国革命之前的时间段。

而原文Prior to Kerber’s work, educational historians barely mentioned women and girls; Thomas Woody’s 1929 work is the notable exception. 指的是在K之前的研究,教育历史学家很少提及女性, TW 在1929的工作研究则是个明显的例外。 那么他的例外就是于众多同行相比,研究对象有女性。







我也选B了 理由同上 E明显不对啊 没提到啊


B.exceptional in that it concentrated on the period before the American Revolution

B是错的啊。 B  ...
samuelxie 发表于 2011-9-25 06:26

果然是according to 的题型。
b是没有错的,但是b不是能够直接according to 可以得到的。而且看了全篇文章后自己总结出来了~



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