UNC MBA interview上海面经[2011-09-09]
两个小时前才从shangrila出来,酒店的夜色确实很美,黄浦江美景尽收眼底。和Sherry Wallace聊了一小时,她的几个问题听来普通,却让我想了很久。在没开始essay的时候就面试确实有些冒险,但如果没有直接和admission的接触,自己的思路也不会逐渐清晰。
Sherry一开始就说了很多关于面试的问题答疑解惑,主体思想是为了阐明面试的公正、无偏颇 - 不受时间、地点、面试官、或者面试方式的影响。她谈到65%的申请人会到UNC做面试,也说起过段时间就会有网络预约面试的渠道,还很好奇我是何种方式得到信息并联系学校的。
[1] why MBA?
[2] short term, long term goal?
[3] how do you choose your major?(前面一个问题聊到了教育背景)
[4] tell me about your current position.
[5] how do you decide to be a XX?(我所作的工作) what drives you to make this decision?
[6] how do you compare or balance the gain and scarifice of getting a MBA? Considering that you have to quit your job and study two years abroad when you already have a good career path... (admission很想知道申请人有多determined, 还是why MBA, what can MBA bring to you 吧)
[7] how do you choose a b-school?
[8] tell me about one of your disappointment in the past
[9] tell me one accomplishment
[10] how will your co-workers describe you?
[11] what can you bring to UNC?
[12] where do you want to work after MBA?
[13] what makes you quit company X and move to current company? and relocate to Shanghai? (针对个人简历的问题)
[14] tell me about your stay at company X (a short stay-less than four month). and how you move to current company? (对工作年限久的申请人问的问题很多,想了解职业规划吧)
面试中sherry 谈了很多UNC的一些情况,学校不想成为一个典型的finance school或marketing school,希望做到well-rounded;学校很注重collaborative style; Inspire and forge leadership是学校很关注的方向- 谈了STAR project, sustanable enterpise, global business project 等具体的一些项目,还提到PIM国际学校交换项目上UNC的选择有很多。末了说到了中国的alumni在逐年增多,十年前来这里没有很多校友可以见,现在在不同领域不同职务的校友北京、上海、新加坡都有。
这些信息在网页上也能看到,但从admission director口中听到就觉得格外真诚! |