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18. Teresa: Manned spaceflight does not have a future, since it cannot compete economically with other means of accomplishing the objectives of spaceflight.
Edward: No mode of human transportation has a better record of reliability: two accidents in twenty-five years. Thus manned spaceflight definitely has a positive future.
Which of the following is the best logical evaluation of Edward’s argument as a response to Teresa’s argument?
(A) It cites evidence that, if true, tends to disprove the evidence cited by Teresa in drawing her conclusion.
(B) It indicates a logical gap in the support that Teresa offers for her conclusion.
(C) It raises a consideration that outweighs the argument Teresa makes.
(D) It does not meet Teresa’s point because it assumes that there is no serious impediment to transporting people into space, but this was the issue raised by Teresa.(D)
(E) It fails to respond to Teresa’s argument because it does not address the fundamental issue of whether space activities should have priority over other claims on the national budget.
下面是我的浅见:Edward: No mode of human transportation has a better record of reliability: two accidents in twenty-five years. Thus manned spaceflight definitely has a positive future. 着彩部分是不是说明Edward其实是在拿manned spaceflight和其他manned transportation (比如汽车,飞机,轮船等)比较,说它可靠性高;而不是拿manned spaceflight和其他形式的spaceflight比较,因此根本就没有对Teresa提出的价格高昂这个问题进行任何回应。而且他从manned spaceflight比其他manned transportation可高性高得出manned spaceflight 有前途,这就必须要假定reliablility是manned spaceflight 有前途的充分条件(即
there is no serious impediment,没有其他阻碍它发展的因素),但是Teresa提出的价格昂贵就是impediment之一。所以D正确。
而由于Edward并没有把manned spaceflight的可靠性与其他形式的spaceflight比,所以C说“提出了一个比经济更重要的原则”不对,因为Edward根本没对manned spaceflight和其他形式的spaceflight进行可靠性比较,有可能其他形式的spaceflight可靠性也很高。
希望大家讨论和指正,如果斑竹能出来给个结论就太好了。 |