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Red blood cells in which themalarial-fever parasite resides are eliminated from a person's body after 120 days. Because the parasite cannot travel to a newgeneration of red blood cells, any fever that develops in a person more than 120 days after that person has moved to a malaria-freeregion is not due to the malarial parasite.
Whichof the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion above?
(A) The fever caused by the malarial parasite mayresemble the fever caused by flu viruses.
(B) The anopheles mosquito, which is the principalinsect carrier of the malarial parasite, has been eradicated in many parts of the world.
(C) Many malarial symptoms otherthan the fever, which can be suppressed with antimalarial medication, can reappear within 120 days after the medication isdiscontinued.
(D) In some cases, the parasitethat causes malarial fever travels to cells of the spleen, which are less frequently eliminated from a person's body than arered blood cells.
(E) In any region infested withmalaria-carrying mosquitoes, there are individuals who appear to be immune to malaria.
OG解释A:The issue is not about a similarity of symptoms butabout where the parasites reside.
也有可能是malarial-fever parasite引起其他疾病,引进其他病毒啊,望指点。。。 |