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5小时前从考场走了出来, 庆幸总算完成了杀G的任务, 身心疲惫啊.

Math:4*, Verbal 2*, 分数虽然微不足道, 但是最终完成了我的目标和心愿,还是比较满意吧.(个人要求比较低呵呵)

作文很简单: AI36:

36. “Businesses and other organizations have overemphasized the importance of working as a team. Clearly, in any human group, it is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and energy, who gets things done.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


2. The following appeared in a memorandum from the business department of the Apogee Company.

“When the Apogee Company had all its operations in one location, it was more profitable than it is today. Therefore, the Apogee Company should close down its field offices and conduct all its operations from a single location. Such centralization would improve profitability by cutting costs and helping the company maintain better supervision of all employees.”

数学: JJ不多,估计是北美的题库和国内的稍有差异吧.

1. DS:04年5月份的JJ: 一堆东西, 5个刚好一组, 拿掉一个变成4个一组也刚好,问有几个东东.

(A)能推出, 而且没说不能为1

(B) 10<东东<40 可以推出是25 所以偶选D

2,DS: 04年5月: X能被10整除嘛?

(A) X能被5整除, (B) 5X 能被10整除, 偶选C

3. DS: 04年5月的263题: 一个数的2-hight指此数能被2^n整除的最大的n, 问K的2-hight是否大于M?

(A) K>M, (B) K/M是偶数, 偶选B

4,PS,好像也是JJ题,反正很简单了, 选7人组成一个committe, 5个老师,5个学生, 老师要比学生多一个人, 问有几种组合? C5,4*C5,3

5. 题目有点记得不清楚了,说个大概意思吧: A集合的个数是B的2倍,且没有一个人既A又B. C集合里面有1/3的B和1/4的A, 问既C又A的?

6. DS: (X+0.01)^4 乘 (Y+0.01)^4是否大于81

(A) X>=3 (B) Y<1 偶选E, 因为Y可能很小,导致整个乘积变小

7.有图用勾股算边长, 要仔细是求斜边的

8.记得也是JJ, 说是12feet的长和8feet的宽的墙壁贴正方形的东西, 此东西宽4inch, 然后问可以有几块吧, 单位换算.

其他题目就记不起来了, 有些还蛮绕的,但是一下子不记得了,总之还是要仔细,控制好pace.


SC: GWD的一题:

A leading figure in the Scottish enlightenment, Adam Smith’s two major books are to democratic capitalism what Marx’s Das Kapital is to socialism.

  1. Adam Smith’s two major books are to democratic capitalism what

  2. Adam Smith’s two major books are to democratic capitalism like

  3. Adam Smith’s two major books are to democratic capitalism just as

  4. Adam Smith wrote two major books that are to democratic capitalism similar to
  5. Adam Smith wrote two major books that are to democratic capitalism what

RC: JJ: 鸟类起源, 2种观点,一种说是始祖鸟先爬树,然后从树上滑翔下来,然后举了些不利于这个观点的evidence. 第二种说始祖鸟不是因为爬树才会飞, 而是因为跑的时候,怎么怎么怎么, 去年5月好象有这个JJ, 但提醒大家选项偏难, 第一个是主题题,后面有对各部分提问.

JJ: 40行的月球的重力异常问题:星球被撞之后大量物质被抛向空中,以致于原来那些物质所在的地方出现了大洞。在这些大洞地区重力会比一般地区要略小。然而也有例外,有的碰撞发生在星球形成早期,那时星球的表面比较有弹性,一旦有物质被抛出地面下密度更高的物质会涌上来补充,所以重力不会异常。

RC都偏长, 选项有点绕, 要在短时间做对,很困难.

CR说实话,不太记得了, 题目都很长.

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