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More focus on career services would be incredibly beneficial. Having made a career change mid-way through the program, I would have appreciated guidance on how to make that change.

Many professors drew on recent research and consulting work for class discussions, including anecdotes about important business leaders such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc. Most professors were very interested in students' experiences and bringing those into class discussion as well. Professors generated excitement with class competitions and group assignments that were extremely engaging. The only weakness in the instruction was in the case of professors teaching quantitative skills too quickly, but it is clearly hard to find the right balance of speed and depth for EMBA students who don't have the time to practice analysis and modeling as much as full-time students.


The SMR (Strategic Management Research) project was the highlight of the program. This was our master's thesis where we worked as consultants for a real company working on a real business problem. It gave everyone the ability to apply what he learned in business school to real corporate problems.

Coming from a science and engineering background, I found all the material to be foreign. I felt that I learned important information in each class I attended. However, the greatest take away from the program is the incredible Anderson network of high quality people.


We had very strong instructors. They definitely all had impressive credentials. My only comment is that overall the professors were a touch too academic and lacking in current real world experience. This isn't true for all, but for a few.

The school is very good at taking care of our day-to-day needs. Logistically there is not much left for us to do, since the program knows we are very busy with work, school, and family. There's always decent coffee or a bagel or fresh fruit easily accessible. Meals are provided. It's pretty much a turnkey program (in that you just need to show up and learn). UCLA's on campus housing is not exactly the Ritz, so improvements to that (which I believe are out of the control of the business school) would be great. The accommodations are not bad, just most executives at this level are used to better.

I'm the type of person who actively participates in class, asking and answering questions. But not all are like me. Although the program does use the Socratic method, I think more "cold calling" on students could have enhanced the program.



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