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Y has been believed to cause Z. A new report, noting that Y and Z are often observed to be preceded by X, suggests that X, not Y, may be the cause of Z.Which of the following further observations would best support the new report's suggestion?

(A) In cases where X occurs but Y does not, X is usually followed by Z.
(B) In cases where X occurs, followed by Y, Y is usually followed by Z.
(C) In cases where Y occurs but X does not, Y is usually followed by Z.
(D) In cases where Y occurs but Z does not, Y is usually preceded by X.
(E) In cases where Z occurs, it is usually preceded by X and Y.

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The stimulus says that
1) Y is BELIEVED to cause Z.
2) A new report suggests that X causes Z since X occurs earlier than both Y and Z.

A says that in the absence of Y, X occurs earlier than Z. This statement supports the notion that Y does not cause Z, but X causes Z.


PREMISE1:Y has been believed to cause Z.
PREMISE2:A new report, noting that Y and Z are often observed to be preceded by X,
CONCLUSION:suggests that X, not Y, may be the cause of Z.





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