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大全-B-2.    In the years since the city of London imposed strict air-pollution regulations on local industry, the number of bird species seen in and around London has increased dramatically. Similar air-pollution rules should be imposed in other major cities.
Each of the following is an assumption made in the argument above EXCEPT:
(A) In most major cities, air-pollution problems are caused almost entirely by local industry.
(B) Air-pollution regulations on industry have a significant impact on the quality of the air.
(C) The air-pollution problems of other major cities are basically similar to those once suffered by London.
(D) An increase in the number of bird species in and around a city is desirable.
(E) The increased sightings of bird species in and around London reflect an actual increase in the number of species in the area.

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这题选A啦~~almost entirely太绝对了,原文也没有说london的空气污染几




关键要理解“an assumption made in the argument”,
原文Argument是“Similar air-pollution rules should be imposed in other major cities”,所以assumption应该是加强“从伦敦推行到其他城市”,加强的方法:1、证明方法有效、有益(BDE) 2、其他地方和伦敦情况相近(C)
而A是加强“为什么在伦敦imposed strict air-pollution regulations on local industry,会取得效果”的assumption,而非针对Argument的assumption


Carina is right.  Good analysis.



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