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Wharton is renowned for its finance programs, but I was unexpectedly impressed by its statistics, entrepreneurial and operations (game theory, optimization, programming, systems engineering) coursework. The network and preparation are really unrivaled, as even my friends from other top programs have told me. That said, there is often an us-vs-them attitude about students at other business schools, that can get annoying.

MGMT 100 is an introductory course unique to Wharton that really cultivates teamwork and leadership skills. Along those lines, the emphasis on real-life skills combined with a high caliber of academic quality makes the Wharton experience truly unique.


The emphasis on team work and leadership skills here is excellent. Every class has some sort of group activity so you get to network with other people as well as develop team work skills. This really makes me feel ready for the workforce.

What I felt that the program most lacked was guidance. I think the school could be very well served by adopting a mentorship program between seniors and freshmen and sophomores. I transferred into Wharton after my freshman year, and I always felt like I wasn't in-the-know about what classes to take or what groups to get involved with on campus. Having a senior who was familiar with the system to turn to for advice would have been very helpful.

I appreciated the ability to take courses outside of my major. In particular, I was able to pursue a dual degree in engineering through the "Jerome Fisher Program in Management & Technology", which would have been very difficult to complete in 4 years at any other school.



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