20. If 。represents one of the operations +, –, and ×, is k。(x+m)=(k。x)+(k。m) for all numbersand k, m, x?
(1) k·l is not equal to l·k for some numbers k.
(2) 。represents subtraction. answer:d donot understand 句号"."代表+,-,*(加或减或乘), 问是不是所有k,m,x对k。(x+m)=(k。x)+(k。m) 都成立 条件1如果句号"."为加法或乘法则K.L恒等于L.K 即只有句号"."为减法是有时候成立,有时候不成立>>>K.(x+m)=(k。x)+(k。m)等式不成立 (把. 换成减号, 式子不成立) 条件2直接告诉为减法了 25. A total of 774 doctorates in mathematics were granted to United States citizens by American universities in the 1972-1973 school year, and W of these doctorates were granted to women. The total of such doctorates in the 1986-1987 school year was 362, and w of these were granted to women. If the number of doctorates in mathematics granted to female citizens of the United States by American universities decreased from the 1972-1973 school year to the 1986-1987 school year, was the decrease less than 10 percent? (1)1/10<W/774<1/9 (2)W=w+2 answer is C 没思路, 另外我想贴图片,为什么老贴不上呢?
由条件2 >>>(W-w)/W= 2/W 再加入条件1 : 1/10<W/774<1/9>>> 774/10<W<774/9 >>> 2/77.4 <2/W=<2/86 >>> 2/77.4<(W-w)/W< 2/86 |