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GWD29-6 很玄~誰能幫忙解釋?

本帖最后由 pfullsomer 于 2011-1-24 20:54 编辑

gwd 29-3-6 -Q3 to Q6:

In a 1984 book, Claire C.

Robertson argued that,

before colonialism, age was

a more important indicator

of status and authority than

gender in Ghana and inAfrica generally.

colonialism imposed

European-style male-

dominant notions upon

more egalitarian local

situations to the detriment

of women generally, and

gender became a defining

characteristic that weak-

ened women’s power and


Subsequent research in

Kenya convinced Robertson

that she had overgeneralized

about Africa.
Before colo-

nialism, gender was more

salient in central Kenya thanit was in Ghana, although age

was still crucial in determin-

ing authority.
In contrast with

Ghana, where women had

traded for hundreds of years

and achieved legal majority

(not unrelated phenomena),

the evidence regarding

central Kenya indicated that

women were legal minors

and were sometimes treated

as male property, as were

European women at that

Factors like strong

patrilinearity and patrilocality,

as well as women’s inferior

land rights and lesser

involvement in trade, made

women more dependent on

men than was generally the

case in Ghana.

since age apparently

remained the overriding

principle of social organiza-

tion in central Kenya, some

senior women had much

Thus, Robertson

revised her hypothesis

somewhat, arguing that

in determining authority in

precolonial Africa age was a

primary principle that super-

seded gender to varying

degrees depending on the




The primary purpose of the passage is to


    A      present evidence undermining a certain hypothesis
    B       describe a particular position and its subsequent modification
    C        discuss two contrasting viewpoints regarding a particular issue
    D         describe how a social phenomenon varied by region

E        evaluate an assumption widely held by scholarsAnswer: B



The passage indicates that Robertson’s research in Kenya caused her to change her mind regarding which of the following?


    A      Whether age was the prevailing principle of social organization in Kenya before colonialism
    B        Whether gender was the primary determinant of social authority in Africa generally before colonialism
    C        Whether it was only after colonialism that gender became a significant determinant of authority in Kenyan society
    D        Whether age was a crucial factor determining authority in Africa after colonialism

E      Whether British colonialism imposed European-style male-dominant notions upon local situations in GhanaAnswer:



The passage suggests that after conducting the research mentioned in line 18, but not before, Robertson would have agreed with which of the following about women’s status and authority in Ghana?


    A      Greater land rights and greater involvement in trade made women in precolonial Ghana less dependent on men than were European women at that time.
    B        Colonialism had a greater impact on the status and authority of Ghanaian women than on Kenyan women.
    C      Colonialism had less of an impact on the status and authority of Ghanaian women that it had on the status and authority of other African women.
    D       The relative independence of Ghanaian women prior to colonialism was unique in Africa.

E     Before colonialism, the status and authority of Ghanaian women was similar to that of Kenyan women.Answer: B



The author of the passage mentions the status of age as a principle of social organization in precolonial central Kenya in lines 24-26 most likely in order to

    A        indicate that women’s dependence on men in precolonial Kenya was not absolute
    B            contrast the situation of senior women to that of less senior women in precolonial Kenyan society
    C         differentiate between the status and authority of precolonial Kenyan women and that of precolonial Ghanaian women
    D          explain why age superseded gender to a greater extent in precolonial Kenya than it did elsewhere in Africa

E       identify a factor that led Robertson to revise her hypothesis about precolonial Africa

Answer: E

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第六題我選A,為何答案是E? A 不對在哪裡?誰幫忙指點一下?










a)indicate that women’s dependence on men in precolonial Kenya was not absolute (Opposite! This statement would be correct if it had been "indicate that women’s INdependence on men in precolonial Kenya was not absolute".)

b)contrast the situation of senior women to that of less senior women in precolonial Kenyan society (Out of scope, the point of line 24-26 is not about the different situations betwwen senior and less senior women)

c)differentiate between the status and authority of precolonial Kenyan women and that of precolonial Ghanaian women (Don't know what to say, but "differentiate" looks too strong to me without any details/evidence. Line 26-36 does what this option states?)

d)explain why age superseded gender to a greater extent in precolonial Kenya than it did elsewhere in Africa (No explaination, it's only an observation.)
e)identify a factor that led Robertson to revise her hypothesis about precolonial Africa (I liked this answer immediately when I saw it. Because I was was reading thru lines 24-26, I had a feeling that the hypothsis was gonna be challenged and might be changed at the end.)

Correct me if im wrong with anything. thx...


在文章开头,写道Robertson argued..age was a more important indicator of status and authority than gender in Ghana and in Africa generally. 意思是说,该作者把在Ghana的现象延伸到整个非洲, 也就是说她用Ghana的以点带面的推出结论:before colonialism, age was a more important indicator in Africa.

后来她发现即使在precolonialism ,性别问题在Kenya已经非常Salient (突出),虽然说AGE 也对authority有着非常显著的影响。由24-26这一部分句子看来,Robertson 已经认识到她之前结论的片面。所以说24-26是阐述了一个事实,引导她修改她之前对precolonial Africa的假设。


A好像是对的啊~~L31-L37明确交代K女和而欧洲女在当时以性别(gender)当道的地位是一样的(都被"treated as male property等),第二段说的就是G女在当时情况要比K女(土地权少对男性依赖程度大)好得多,等量代换下,G女情况即好于欧洲女么


A好像是对的啊~~L31-L37明确交代K女和而欧洲女在当时以性别(gender)当道的地位是一样的(都被"treated as  ...
greates 发表于 2011-1-31 20:14


The passage suggests that after conducting the research mentioned in line 18, but not before, Robertson would have agreed with which of the following about women’s status and authority in Ghana?


A选项说Ghana殖民前女人较英国女性independent,这是Robertson一直的观点,before research on K就被Robertson认同的(根据第一段知道被英国殖民后G的女性地位才受到European- style male dominant notions的损害,殖民前age决定地位)。当然research on K发现 G Women >K women = Euro women (就是楼上说的间接推理),但G women > Euro Women不是Robertson对K进行研究后才相信的观点,而是她一直以来的观点。





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