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83说某个生产workstation 还是神马的要降低价格以吸引更多人够买。。。中间还说了一些话的。。。没想起来   但实际情况是该生产厂商的sales没有上升反而下降了
这道题记得之前做过的   选项是选貌似最后一个   大意是因为买的人都能从价格里面拿到一个回扣神马的 所以他们还是会选那个
厄  后来想起来了  是GWD上面的      上面的话就不用看了  厄(640)
40. GWD21-Q40:
A manufacturerof workstations for computeraided design seeks to increase sales to its mostimportant corporate customers.  Itsstrategy is to publish very low list prices for workstations in order togenerate interest among the buyers for those corporations.
Which of thefollowing, if characteristic of the marketplace, would tend to cause themanufacturer’s strategy to fail?  
A The proposed list prices would seem low to a typical buyer for the     manufacturer’s most important corporate customers.
B The capabilities of workstations suitable for given jobs are not significantly     different among various manufacturers.
C the manufacturer’s most important corporate customers employ as buyers persons     who are very knowledgeable about prices for workstations for     customer-aided design.
D Customers differ significantly in the percentage of resources they can devote to     computer workstations.
E Buyers for corporations that purchase workstations for computer-aided design     receive bonuses for negotiating large discounts from the list price.


84报纸业不景气,印刷订单减少,newsprint factory 毅然决然地涨价(真牛),结论印刷业一定能赚钱,问支持项。


  我选择的是:玉林里的树可以将很多小树(有点及不清楚了)集中到一起怎么着,这样可以有效地吸收阳光。 我描述可能有点问题,是在想不起来,但这个选项最靠谱。(660)


86 19世纪中期,田园派画的风格是啥子,。。。。最近,发现一种画,其风格正好和田园派的风格很像,因此这幅画一定是这个时期的画作。问作者犯了什么错误?(660)



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