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Wharton MBA Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus (March 15th, 2010)

I am a second round applicant for Wharton and was invited for an alum interview. The interview happened in one of the cafes in Bombay and was very relaxed. The questions asked were:

Please walk me through your resume
Please tell me more about your extra curricular activities - why do you pursue this particular hobby?
Why do you want to do an MBA - I started talking about my long term goal and how the MBA was important for me
Why Wharton?
Which other schools have you applied to?
Tell me some leadership experience
Tell me a time when things did not work out in a project
Tell me a time when you were not in the leadership role
Do you have any questions for me
It is true that the Wharton interviewers are very strict about the timing. The interview ended in sharp 40 minutes and I could not interpret at all from the looks of the interviewer whether I did well. I interpreted it as if I did not do well and was not as excited as my Chicago Booth interview (where I was super happy after the interview - though I was waitlisted later)
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