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Chicago MBA Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus (November 30, 2009)

I had an offcampus interview with an alum in New Delhi. Hope these might help prospective applicants to Booth

Where did you do your schooling from ?
Asked about a hobby.
Why did you leave your previous firm ?
What is your current role in your new firm ? Describe your current project.
Which was your favourite course in college and why ?
Mention your experience of working in teams.
Mention a time when you resolved conflicts.
If you could change one thing about your current Project Manager what would it be ?
Why do you want to pursue an MBA and why now ?
Career Goals.
What are your criteria for selecting a B School ?
Why Chicago Booth ?
From what all sources did your learn about Booth ?
Any questions for me ? (I asked 3-4)
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