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Chicago MBA Round 2 / 2nd year student / On-campus (February 13th, 2010)

The campus visit was very well organized. I was impressed by the facilities in Harper center. My interviewer, a 2nd year student, was very friendly. He first explained to me that the interview is more like a conversation. He told me that he had received my resume only 5 mins before the interview and that he did not read my application. He told me that they wanted to keep it that way in order to paint an unbiased picture of me as part of the application.

Here are the questions - more or less in the same order.

Q. From my resume (he exclaimed that i was all over the world) - he asked me to describe how I transitioned from place A to place B (both geographically far away) A. I explained why that transition was challenging and how I handled it. Filled in details about my role, how i secured the job in place B.
Q. Tell me about a project/activity you executed in your latest stint A. explained a people/leadership role which made an impact on the company, personnel
Q. Why booth?
Q. Why mechanical engineering?
Q. An unusual, interesting question: say you have graduated yesterday, what would you be doing now? -- another way of asking: what's your short term goal.
Q. What are your hobbies?
Q. Anything else you want to be included in the package?
Q. Any questions for me?
Overall, Booth visit was a great experience.
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