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MIT MBA Round 1 / Adcom / Off-campus / Admitted! (March 29th, 2010)

Did it in India with AdCom officer in January 2010.

There was some initial small talk about the company I work with, and then there were following questions
What does your company do?
Why did you choose your current job?
Tell about a difficult interaction with your manager.
Why did you make this job change?
What do you want to do in long-term?
How did you prepare yourself for your new job?
Lot of small, follow-on questions about a sports I had written about in my resume to assess knowledge of that?
Tell me about a latest accomplishment since you submitted application
Question about my quizzing hobby, and how I did it at my college
Discussion about academics at Sloan and various recreational facilities in Boston.
He had read my application thoroughly, and asked many relevant questions. Surprisingly I didn't have too many behavioral questions. Overall it last 35 mins.

Final result - Admitted.
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