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The learning environment is very supportive and friendly. Students and staff get to develop a relationship with each other, which creates a great networking circle.

The part-time MBA course was an amazing experience. Aside from the amount of time and effort it took to balance a full-time job and attend a part-time MBA program, USD would be my first choice if I had to do it over again. Every class was intriguing and it gave me exactly what I was looking for.

USD strength's were the ability to interact easily with students in formal and informal settings, as well understand and draw from students' experiences. The level of industry knowledge was very high and provided useful insights. A weakness of the instructors could be the equitable distribution of work between classes. Some required very different amounts of work for the same number of units.


Many of my professors were very passionate about the subject they were teaching and really cared if students learned. The informality of the classroom allowed for free discussion and debate of various topics. I really loved how my finance and economic professors took what was happening in the falling economy and related it to what they were teaching. It made the content more real and applicable to the real world.

Weaknesses of the instructors were that they were set up for full time students in the teaching mentality and structure of class. I do not think part-time students should be put together with full-time students.

Sometimes the amount of team project work was excessive. There could be better balance between individual and team project work.


My experience with USD was very positive. I was able to apply my class work to nearly every aspect of my current work. I work in a demanding role for a technology company and found that the MBA broadened my horizons and provided an outlet for my intellectual energy.

Overall, the MBA program at USD is very well structured and provides the student with the necessary skills and confidence needed to become successful leaders in leading industries. Personally, the experience was very rewarding for me and I am a little sad that it went by so quickly. I am proud to be a graduate of USD's MBA program.



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