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LBS MIF Master in finance program interview面试汇总(2009-2010年)

本帖最后由 myice 于 2010-10-14 14:06 编辑
LBS MIF 面经~~

This is the first interview of mine, Master in finance program in LBS, after getting rejected by MIT, Princeton and waiting-listed by LSE.
It is the Alumni Interview, a really, really nice guy who works as a research analyst in Shanghai
He did not ask me any tough questions, just the basic ones as below:

Ur achievements in career life,
Ur strengths/weakness
How u rate your performance
The big problems in ur company
How u deal with the team working
Describe the typical working day
Why MIF not MBA
Which part are u worried about the MIF
Career Plan-short & long
How u prepare to do after school
How u say about the current real estate price---------this one I really did not prepare, and I just 捣捣浆糊~~
Ur hobbies~~~
Contribution to LBS~~~~~~~

The interview lasts one hour. Really a lot of questions! !!

Hope the above information helps, wish everybody including me good luck~~~~~~~~, and especially best wishes to my friend, zxyaa~~~~~hahaha
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Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.

LBS MiF 面经

昨天刚面的LBS Master in Finance 项目,跟大家分享。
申请轮次: 第二轮
- Why current job
- Your career goal after MiF
- Why MiF
- How do you think the MiF will help your career
- Do you foresee any difficulties you will face when stduying at the MiF program
- Your work responsibilities, the most challenging part of your work
- Explain one of your past project and your role
- How do you see the development of your current industry
- Teamwork experience and your role in a team
- Your professional and personality weeknesses
- Self-assessment of your English skills, especially your reading skills
就记得这些了。Good luck to you all!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Dinged by Wharton....some minor LBS MiF 面经

First official ding comes today......spent quite some time in the essays, a bit disappointed that didnt even get an interview...dont know if W will provide feedback or not..

on the same day, I just finished imo the best interview with an LBS MiF alum in Toronto -- an exec from a US IBank.

Contrary to the perception of IBanker, he's not challenging at all. The whole process was nice and easy. He loved golf, and started the conversation with my experience on the the city's junior golf team when I was in China.

After he established some synergy, we talked about everything -- Toronto, London, my goals, world economy and etc. No typical questions like why LBS, why MiF questions.

He also shared with me his weekend activities like cheap tickets to Spain and Italy, that's why he only finished in top 30% of his class...

After he listened to my career goals, he suggested why LBS MiF should be the best fit for me. (I was like....hmmm, our roles got switched?) MIT, Princeton's Mif were too quant and more for traders, and those who wanted to work with derivatives...

He asked me what others schools I applied, I told him this was the only non-mba program I applied and the list of my applied schools...again, he mentioned LBS should be the best fit with my background and goals...he's very passionate about the MiF.

At the end, he told me that he wanted me to get into LBS and that's what he's gonna put in his report.

Hope what he said are all true~~

After the interview, got back to the office and got the ding at the same time....but I dont feel too bad with the great interview...

good luck to all those who received invites or WL from Wharton~~
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.





1.       描述你的工作职责(一共两份工作分别描述,我的工作主要是做PE投资前的投资分析,面试官将工作流程问得比较细)

2.       在做analysis时如何说服BOSS接受你的意见(由于上一个问题提到完成investment report),给出specific example

3.       若Boss意见和你的recommendation不同如何处理, 给出specific example

4.       你认为你现在工作的公司所面临的主要挑战有哪三点

5.       描述在过去三年的工作中,你最大的收获以及成功案例

6.       和同事比较,你如何评价自己

7.       你的缺点是什么

8.       为什么不选择MBA而是Mif

9.       你对于LBS的contribution,给出specific example

10.   如果你未被LBS录取,你将如何应对

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


LBS面试 MiF 07年五月


四月底把GMAT考了,然后催着老板写推荐信,虽然没有赶上5/5号的deadline,但是最后学校还是把我作为Stage 3考虑了。因为我申请的是Part time,所以最后7月中才是所有的deadline。


感觉挺轻松,自己也没有太多时间准备,就在面试前把自己写的申请资料再过了一遍,因为申请的所有东西都是在考完GMAT以后弄的,所以印象很深。问题基本就是围绕,为啥这个项目,为啥这个时候开始读,为啥要Part time,读完以后要干吗,准备怎么安排自己的学习计划,是否有过往part time的经验,最后就是问面试官问题。总共就花了40分钟,她就接着回去加班了。


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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