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本帖最后由 templars 于 2010-10-4 22:03 编辑

The idea that equipping homes
with electrical appliances and other

“modern” household technologies

would eliminate drudgery, save labor

time, and increase leisure for women

who were full-time home workers

remained largely unchallenged until

the women’s movement of the 1970’s

spawned the groundbreaking and

influential works of sociologist Joann

Vanek and historian Ruth Cowan.

Vanek analyzed 40 years of time-

use surveys conducted by home

economists to argue that electrical

appliances and other modern house-

hold technologies reduced the effort

required to perform specific tasks,

but ownership of these appliances did

not correlate with less time spent on

housework by full-time home workers.

In fact, time spent by these workers

remained remarkably constant―at

about 52 to 54 hours per week―from

the 1920’s to the 1960’s, a period

of significant change in household

In surveying two

centuries of household technology

in the United States, Cowan argued

that the “industrialization” of the home

often resulted in more work for full-time

home workers because the use of

such devices as coal stoves, water

pumps, and vacuum cleaners tended

to reduce the workload of married-

women’s helpers (husbands, sons,

daughters, and servants) while

promoting a more rigorous standard

of housework.
The full-time home

worker’s duties also shifted to include

more household management, child
care, and the post-Second World War phenomenon of being “Mom’s taxi.”

4. The passage is primarily concerned with

    A     analyzing a debate between two scholars
    B     challenging the evidence on which a new theory is based
    C     describing how certain scholars’ work countered a prevailing view
    D     presenting the research used to support a traditional theory

E     evaluating the methodology used to study a particular issue

The correct answer is A, but I chose C. As I thought the prevailing view is that technology do eliminate drudgery, but some scholars just illustrate some data to conter that view.

5. Which of the following best describes the function of the sentence in lines 21-26 (“In fact, time … in household technology”)?

    A   It offers an alternative interpretation of a phenomenon described in the previous sentence (lines 12-20).
    B   It provides the specific evidence on which an argument described in the previous sentence (lines 12-20) is based.
    C    It shifts the focus of the argument developed earlier in the passage.
    D     It introduces evidence that has not been taken into account by Vanek and Cowan.

E     It introduces a topic for discussion that will be developed in the rest of the passage.

The correct answer is C, but I chose B. In my opinion, L21-26 just support previous part (colored yellow), but not shift focus.

Which of the following best describes the function of the sentence in lines 21-26 (“In fact, time … in household technology”)?

    A   It offers an alternative interpretation of a phenomenon described in the previous sentence (lines 12-20).
    B   It provides the specific evidence on which an argument described in the previous sentence (lines 12-20) is based.
    C    It shifts the focus of the argument developed earlier in the passage.
    D    It introduces evidence that has not been taken into account by Vanek and Cowan.

E    It introduces a topic for discussion that will be developed in the rest of the passage.

The correct answer is C, but I chose B. In my opinion, L21-26 just support previous part (colored yellow), but not shift focus.

Please help explain it, thanks.

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我Q4也选C, 文章中说的很清楚原来的观点是remained largely unchallenged until XXX


另外我Q6选D,原答案B的raise the standard of housework that women who were full-time home workers set for themselves 被提到了,while promoting a more rigorous standard of housework


三个都同意: CBD




正确答案就是CBD啊~ Central Business District~哈哈



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