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【求助】OG12 76-81题

           Two works published in 1984 demonstrate
       contrasting approaches to writing the history of
       United States women. Buel and Buel's biography of
       Mary Fish (1736-1818) makes little effort to place
(5)  her story in the context of recent historiography on
       women. Lebsock, meanwhile, attempts not only to
       write the history of women in one southern
       community, but also to redirect two decades of
       historiographical debate as to whether women
(10) gained or lost status in the nineteenth century as
       compared with the eighteenth century. Although
       both books offer the reader the opportunity to
       assess this controversy regarding women's status,
       only Lebsock's deals with it directly. She examines
(15) several different aspects of women's status, helping
       to refine and resolve the issues. She concludes that
       while women gained autonomy in some areas,  
       especially in the private sphere, they lost it in many  
       aspects of the economic sphere. More importantly,
(20) she shows that the debate itself depends on frame
       of reference: in many respects, women lost power
       in relation to men, for example, as certain jobs
       (delivering babies, supervising schools) were taken
       over by men. Yet women also gained power in
(25) comparison with their previous status, owning a
       higher proportion of real estate, for example. In
       contrast, Buel and Buel's biography provides ample
       raw material for questioning the myth, fostered by
       some historians, of a colonial golden age in the
(30) eighteenth century but does not give the reader
       much guidance in analyzing the controversy over
       women's status.

Questions 76-81 refer to the passage above.
76. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) examine two sides of a historiographical debate
(B) call into question an author's approach to a historiographical debate
(C) examine one author's approach to a historiographical debate
(D) discuss two authors' works in relationship to a historiographical debate
(E) explain the prevalent perspective on a historiographical debate

77. The author of the passage mentions the supervision of schools primarily in order to
(A) remind readers of the role education played in the cultural changes of the nineteenth century in the United States
(B) suggest an area in which nineteenth-century American women were relatively free to exercise power
(C) provide an example of an occupation for which accurate data about women's participation are difficult to obtain
(D) speculate about which occupations were considered suitable for United States women of the nineteenth century
(E) illustrate how the answers to questions about women's status depend on particular contexts

78. With which of the following characterizations of Lebsock's contribution to the controversy concerning women's status in the nineteenth-century United States would the author of the passage be most likely to agree?
(A) Lebsock has studied women from a formerly neglected region and time period.
(B) Lebsock has demonstrated the importance of frame of reference in answering questions about women's status.
(C) Lebsock has addressed the controversy by using women's current status as a frame of reference.
(D) Lebsock has analyzed statistics about occupations and property that were previously ignored.
(E) Lebsock has applied recent historiographical methods to the biography of a nineteenth- century woman.

79. According to the passage, Lebsock's work differs from Buel and Buel's work in that Lebsock's work
(A) uses a large number of primary sources
(B) ignores issues of women's legal status
(C) refuses to take a position on women's status in the eighteenth century
(D) addresses larger historiographical issues
(E) fails to provide sufficient material to support its claims

80. The passage suggests that Lebsock believes that compared to nineteenth-century American women, eighteenth-century American women were
(A) in many respects less powerful in relation to men
(B) more likely to own real estate
(C) generally more economically independent
(D) more independent in conducting their private lives
(E) less likely to work as school superintendents

81. The passage suggests that Buel and Buel's biography of Mary Fish provides evidence for which of the following views of women's history?
(A) Women have lost power in relation to men since the colonial era.
(B) Women of the colonial era were not as likely to be concerned with their status as were women in the nineteenth century.
(C) The colonial era was not as favorable for women as some historians have believed.
(D) Women had more economic autonomy in the colonial era than in the nineteenth century.
(E) Women's occupations were generally more respected in the colonial era than in the nineteenth century.

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77:E。这里面有一个小陷阱:More importantly,
(20) she shows that the debate itself depends on frame
      of reference: in many respects, women lost power
      in relation to men, for example, as certain jobs
      (delivering babies, supervising schools) were taken
      over by men. 这个是原文。其中有一个词叫做:for example,但是它的位置变成了插入语造成人们对它的忽视,其实我们可以把它放在冒号的后面,说明后面的是用来illustrate冒号前面的,那前面就说的是depends on frame of reference,依赖特定的refernce,所以说呢与E中的particular是同义词改写。
78:B。 More importantly,
(20) she shows that the debate itself depends on frame
      of reference: in many respects, women lost power
      in relation to men, for example, as certain jobs
      (delivering babies, supervising schools) were taken
      over by men. 这就是做着觉得L这个人写的好的特别之处。
79:D。Buel and Buel's biography of
      Mary Fish (1736-1818) makes little effort to place        B是little effort。
(5)  her story in the context of recent historiography on
      women. Lebsock, meanwhile, attempts not only to
      write the history of women in one southern
      community, but also to redirect two decades of          L还比较了两个centuries的。
      historiographical debate as to whether women
(10) gained or lost status in the nineteenth century as
      compared with the eighteenth century.
80:C。She concludes that
      while women gained autonomy in some areas,  
      especially in the private sphere, they lost it in many  
      aspects of the economic sphere.                                 
19世纪的女人在private sphere 牛了,在economic sphere上歇了。
81:C。又有一个小陷阱。 Buel and Buel's biography provides ample
      raw material for questioning the myth, fostered by
      some historians, of a colonial golden age in the
(30) eighteenth century  文中说啊,B提供了大量的原始资料来质疑一个很多历史学家创造的神话,那就是18世纪的colonial 黄金时代。C答案说The colonial era was not as favorable for women as some historians have believe。这不正好和原文一直吗.





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