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Essay #16.351

What kinds of property rights apply to Algonquian family hunting territories, and how did they come to be?The dominant view in recent decades has been that family hunting territories, like other forms of private landownership, were not found among Algonquians (a group of North American Indian tribes) before contact with Europeans but are the result of changes in Algonquian society brought about by the European-Algonquian fur trade, in combination with other factors such as ecological changes and consequent shifts in wildlife harvesting patterns.Another viewclaims that Algonquian family hunting territories predate contact with Europeans and are forms of private landownership by individuals and families.More recent fieldwork, however, has shown that individual and family rights to hunting territories form part of a larger land-use system of multifamilial hunting groups, that rights to hunting territories at this larger community level take precedence over those at the individual or family level, and that this system reflects a concept of spiritual and social reciprocity that conflicts with European concepts of private property.In short, there are now strong reasons to think that it was erroneous to claim that Algonquian family hunting territories ever were, or were becoming, a kind of private property system.

Question #55.351-06

According to the passage, proponents of the view mentioned in the first highlighted portion of text and proponents of the view mentioned in the second highlighted portion of text both believe which of the following about Algonquian family hunting territories?

(A) They are a form of private landownership.

(B) They are a form of community, rather than individual, landownership.

(C) They were a form of private landownership prior to contact with Europeans.

(D) They became a form of private landownership due to contact with Europeans.

(E) They have replaced reciprocal practices relating to land use in Algonquian society.

此题答案是A ,但我错选了D

According to the passage, proponents of the view mentioned in the first highlighted portion of text and proponents of the view mentioned in the second highlighted portion of text both believe which of the following about Algonquian family hunting territories?

(A) They are a form of private landownership.

(B) They are a form of community, rather than individual, landownership.

(C) They were a form of private landownership prior to contact with Europeans.

(D) They became a form of private landownership due to contact with Europeans.

(E) They have replaced reciprocal practices relating to land use in Algonquian society.

此题答案是A ,但我错选了D

Question #55.351-06

According to the passage, proponents of the view mentioned in the first highlighted portion of text and proponents of the view mentioned in the second highlighted portion of text both believe which of the following about Algonquian family hunting territories?

(A) They are a form of private landownership.

(B) They are a form of community, rather than individual, landownership.

(C) They were a form of private landownership prior to contact with Europeans.

(D) They became a form of private landownership due to contact with Europeans.

(E) They have replaced reciprocal practices relating to land use in Algonquian society.

此题答案是A ,但我错选了D

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题目问的是两种view有什么共同点 而选项D:第二种view说Algonquian family hunting territories predate contact with Europeans。 Predate的意思是在。。。之前。
选项A:两种view都有提到Algonquian family hunting territories是一种private landownership.


感谢LS !!= =我竟然忽视了predate





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