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Graduate compensation:

Mean base salary: $  48,091
Median base salary: $  50,000
Mean signing bonus: $  5,070
Median signing bonus: $  5,000

Grads accepted jobs in following functional areas:

Consulting: 11  %
Finance/Accounting: 31  %
General Management: 3  %
Human Resources: 0  %
Management Information Systems: 1  %
Marketing/Sales: 16  %
Operations/Production: 3  %
Logistics/Transportation: 1  %
Other: 34  %

Grads accepted jobs in following industries:

Consumer Products/Retail: 6  %
Consulting Services: 12  %
Financial Services: 33  %
Government/Education: 9  %
Pharma/Biotech/Health: 1  %
Manufacturing: 2  %
Media/Entertainment: 5  %
Petroleum/Energy: 1  %
Real Estate: 4  %
Sports/Leisure: 2  %
Technology/Science: 3  %
Non-Profit: 2  %
Other: 20  %

Percentage of job acceptances, US and Canada:

US: 100  %
Canada: 0  %

Grads accepted jobs in the following US regions:

Northeast: 20  %
Mid-Atlantic: 33  %
Midwest: 1  %
South: 36  %
Southwest: 7  %
West: 3  %


Number of companies recruiting interns on-campus, 2008-09 academic year:

Companies posting internships on job boards, previous academic year:

Top internship recruiters, 2008-09:


Ernst & Young
Bank of America Corp.
Time Warner Inc.
General Electric
UBS Investment Bank
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Merrill Lynch
Procter & Gamble
Goldman Sachs Group
Johnson & Johnson
Target Corp.

Other Internship Recruiters:
Grant Thornton 2 Hanesbrands 2 Navigant Consulting 2 Accenture 1 Aetna 1 Chubb Insurance 1 Deloitte & Touche 1 DISH Network 1 First Houston Capital 1 Habitat for Humanity 1 Liz Claiborne 1 Lockhead Martin 1 NCAA 1 Suntrust Robinson Humphrey 1 Trone Advertising 1

Percentage of internships that were paid, previous academic year
78  %

Mean internship compensation per week:
$  833

Median internship compensation per week:
$  826

Average internship, in weeks:


Wake Forest has a phenomenal business program, and it is only getting better. The administration seems to always be looking for ways to improve and give more opportunities to their students. I feel like my teachers really care about my growth as a student and want to support me in becoming successful in a variety of ways. They are always pushing their students to do their best and the high expectations in Calloway really create higher performance from the students. I am so happy I ended up at Wake Forest and in Calloway's business school. I know that I will be graduating as an already successful person because of the knowledge I have gained here.

Each class is taught by a professor that demands top quality work. We take 3 hour accounting exams that require that we work through complex problems - not multiple choice Scantron exams like at some larger schools. On the whole, from both my experiences at Wake Forest's business school and from the comments I hear from my friends at other schools (even those rated higher in the past), I am steadfast in my belief that Wake offers the finest undergraduate business education in the country.


I believe that my business school has been able to create a culture of friendship between the students and faculty. There is an immense level of respect on behalf of the students and vice versa, but the business school faculty allow for more human interaction. It is not uncommon to walk into a professor's office to ask a question about derivatives and then stay to discuss Saturday's upcoming football game. This unique relationship allows for an open and friendly classroom experience.

I often feel frustrated that Wake's small size prevents many companies from coming to recruit here. Additionally, too many companies are unfamiliar with our grading system and our GPAs are significantly lower across the board compared to other schools which is a negative when applying for jobs.

Wake is hard but fair. At times can be slightly overwhelming but looking back as a second semester senior, I am very appreciative of my Wake Forest education.


The Wake Forest undergrad business program in combination with the MBA program offers a unique opportunity for a service-learning program in Nicaragua. I had the opportunity to learn about sustainable development while applying what I was learning in the Nicaraguan community. This is just one of the many opportunities that the Wake Forest Schools of Business offer throughout a multitude of functional areas and interests.

While I feel like I've learned a lot from the business school, it's come at a price. Grade deflation is completely ridiculous. I understand challenging students during an exam and requiring students to apply the knowledge, however, when no one receives an A on the test, something is wrong. Because of this, my confidence in my abilities has been completely diminished. Sometimes it feels like they don't want you to succeed. I understand that there will be times when the workload is rough, but it's really hard to watch my friends of other majors not spend 6-7 hours every night on homework or projects. The entire experience has been extremely demoralizing, and if I had the opportunity to do it again I'm not sure I would. I know that the education I've received has been outstanding, but it's really hard to rationalize that with the quality of life I've led while being in the business school.


I have enjoyed every moment of being in this business school. Yes, it is hard. Yes, the grading can be rough. Yes, there are days when we all curse our professors. But this is college, students are supposed to feel that way...The Schools of Business push you in every possible way, and I (along with my peers) have grown immensely both personally and professionally as a result of being in this program.

One drawback of the Calloway school is the grading policy. A's are extremely tough to obtain. Only a handful of students will receive A's in a class. The overall GPA of the undergraduate business program seems low in comparison to other majors. Often times this hinders the ability of graduates to compete for the same jobs as applicants from other schools.


The workload is equivalent to what you will experience in a full time job. I am looking forward to working 60 hour weeks when I am employed because it will be easier than the workload I have in the business school. The teachers are exceptional and challenge us to be the best.

There are several absolutely necessary qualifications for a successful career in the business world. An analytical mind, strong communication, effective presentation, good team work, and the list goes on. The business school at Wake Forest teaches all of these, but what sets Wake Forest apart is the unparalleled work ethic it instills in its students. A professor once told me that the key to being successful is not just being able to do everything, but actually doing it by working and accomplishing more than any peer. Wake Forest teaches its students how to work, and equips them with the tools to go out and actually do that work.





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