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OG12- 120 ability的用法

A firm that specializes in the analysis of handwriting claims 【from a one-page writing sample that it can assess】 more than 300 personality traits, including enthusiasm, imagination, and ambition.
(A) from a one-page writing sample that it can
(B) from a one-page writing sample it has the ability
of assessing
(C) the ability, from a one-page writing sample,
of assessing
(D) to be able, from a one-page writing sample,
to assess
(E) being able to assess, from a one-page writing
答案是D. OG解释C的错误在于wordy. the ability of accessing. 这里的原则是不是动词形式>动名词形式?
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You can say "someone has the ability to sing", but you cannot say "someone has the ability of singing". The usage is very simple, so just memorize it


of+-ing always wrong,
because,using verb in text is more vivid than using other formal of verb.


ability to do sth固定用法



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