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请教GWD1- Q12

刚才在讨论区里看了半天,有人说这一题选B可是我的答案是c么?另外我也不是很理解为什么选c,原文定位应该是这一句吧:Although no one has quantified changes in the rate of straying as a result of the disturbances caused by humans, there is no reaon to suspect that the effect would be qualitatively different than waht was seen in the aftermath of the Mount Saint Helens eruption. 对于这个句子问什么different 后面会用than?这句句子是说人类活动对salmon gene flow的影响是和那个火山是差不多的吧?那为什么会得出c选项的答案呢?
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how to understand this paragraph Although no one has quantified changes in the rate of straying as a result of the disturbances caused by humans, there is no reason to suspect that the effect would be qualitatively different than what was seen in the aftermath of the Mount Saint Helens eruption.Such a dramatic increase in straying from damaged areas to more pristine streams results in substantial gene flow, which can in turn lower the overall fitness of subsequent generations.

我觉得,是说由人类引起的STRAYING 变化没有量化,因而也不能说这个变化会和自然变化有所不同。



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