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Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?

Twenty percent of the stores in Morganville's downtown shopping district will fail within five years because they will be competing directly with the SaveMart discount department store newly opened in East Morganville.The downtown shopping district has lost business at this rate before and has always completely rebounded.Confidence that it will rebound again from the losses it is now about to suffer is ill founded, however, because __________.

A. the stores likely to be put out of business by direct competition from SaveMart are the downtown shopping district's anchor stores, on whose ability to draw shoppers many of the other downtown stores depend
B. the bus line that has long connected the downtown area of Morganville with East Morganville has a tradition of carrying shoppers who reside in East Morganville into downtown Morganville to shop

C. when the downtown shopping district has rebounded before, the business premises of a failed business were typically taken over by a business of the same kind as had been there before

D. SaveMart's business plan for the East Morganville store is based on earning low profits, if any, during the first five years of the store's existence

E. it is conceivable that the downtown shopping district could shrink substantially without collapsing altogether

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填空题,其重要的核心思想就是一定要提炼出because之前的精华,前文说的很清楚,SaveMart store就是会让那些compete directly的倒闭,所以,如果一个store可以rebound,说明,他没有和SM store compete,而C the same kind of business就说明还是要compete,不正确,A选项就是正确答案,而B,D,E均与前文中的所说没有关系,其实填空题并不是一类很难的题型,关键是从上文中提取观点,做题的时候可以用前文来检查一下,如果提到,则是正确的,总之一句话,填空题就是要在题干中提取有效信息,题干的话不是白说的


回复 2# caicainiao




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