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Tuck is an amazing place to go to school. The close knit community really makes the experience that much more special. The professors were always accessible and are part of the everyday community. All the faculty teaches os you get to listen to the best and brightest minds. I would recommend Tuc kto everyone who could get in. -- Finance

Tuck is a truly amazing place. I had high hopes for my MBA experience and they were all exceed by the experience that I had a Tuck. The strength of the bonds formed and the personal as well as professional development that the Tuck Experience fosters, differentiate the school from its peer institutions. -- Consulting

Tuck is a unique place, and presents a great opportunity to grow in many ways. The faculty, staff, and students are top notch. The academics are rigorous, but the opportunities upon graduation are virtually limitless. That said, Tuck is not for everyone. -- Finance

I am extremely grateful for having experienced two years at Tuck. Graduating from Tuck with people of the highest human, intellectual and moral standards is a great honor. Tuck is a very special place I will always remember fondly as having given me the best two years of my life. -- Consulting





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