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托福阅读材料:World Cup 2010: Your stories

  Ed Strafford, Wellington, New Zealand
  New Zealand is a wealthy Pacific nation, with agriculture as its main industry. The 'All Whites' will be competing in the finals for the first time in 28 years.
  New Zealand's national sport is known to be rugby, but the World Cup has provided the opportunity to push and grow the game and have conversations about football.
  A few years ago, local businessman Terry Serepisos invested millions of New Zealand dollars into the game, and in Wellington, you'll see more football shirts worn than rugby shirts.
  New Zealand is changing culturally. There are more migrants from Africa and Asia who are not rugby fans but football fans, so that has also boosted the sport here.
  Despite the time difference, I'll be watching the All Whites ' games live at around 2am, and I will try to fit in as many 6.30am games as possible into my pre-work routines and be tactical in attending early meetings.
  Other games will be recorded and highlights shows will be watched. I may take some annual leave, either for sleep recovery or to indulge and celebrate football!
  If we can get a point in the tournament, it would be a major achievement for the country.
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