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V1 from cissy630  710
美国有个地方的人得了某种流行病,一直以来大家都以为这种病是欧洲人来的时候传染的。然后有人反对说不是欧洲人的原因,因为发现美国那个地方本来就有导致 那种流行病的东西存在。问削弱(就是选一个选项,说明流行病就是欧洲人传染的)  我选的什么不记得了,选项有些难,我做的时候晕晕乎乎的。


65、corn 与soy bean
V1 from ellie78

考古  from nowwsy
corn 的价钱因为某国大量用corn 去生产ethonol, 一种替代能源, 而上升. 因此造成本国的农夫全部跑去种corn 而放弃soy bean. 因此soy bean的价格上升. 隔壁国(墨西哥还是某个南美国)的农夫就卯起来种soy bean. 虽然说种这soy bean 对雨林- friendly 但是专家说尽管如此, 雨林还是会受影响. why? 我选了因为地都拿去种soy 了, 那些ranger 和放牧的就要搬迁(文中没有直接提到 ranger 会对雨林有坏处) 但是其它的都不像只好选这..  这题我不确定是不是两题我搞混在一起了.. 烦查证.
最近corn很吃香因为能生产@@,所以墨西哥人都去种corn,尽管种corn不会去开拓雨林土地,但是专家还是很担心这 会对亚马逊产生不利影响,问为什么。选项有雨林能提供xx能源,还有几个无关选项,都不太靠谱,我蒙了个因为种corn,原本种大豆的都会被 dispalce去别的地方(可能就去开拓雨林土地了)


V1 from ellie78

考古  from nowwsy



PS:可能是变体 未经狗主人确认具体是那句描黑
Astronomer:  Observations of the Shoemaker-Levi comet on its collision course with Jupiter showed that the comet broke into fragments before entering Jupiter’s atmosphere in 1994, but they did not show how big those fragments were.  Nevertheless, some indication of their size can be inferred from spectrographic analyses of Jupiter’s outer atmosphere.  After the fragments’ entry, these analyses revealed unprecedented traces of sulfur.  The fragments themselves almost certainly contained no sulfur, but astronomers believe that the cloud layer below Jupiter’s outer atmosphere does contain sulfur.  Since sulfur would have seeped into the outer atmosphere if comet fragments had penetrated this cloud layer, it is likely that some of the fragments were at least large enough to have passed through Jupiter’s outer atmosphere without being burned up.
In the astronomer’s argument, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
A.        The first is a claim that the astronomer seeks to show is true; the second acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the truth of that claim.
B.        The first is a claim that the astronomer seeks to show is true; the second provides evidence in support of the truth of that claim.
C.        The first and the second are each considerations advanced in support of the conclusion of the argument.
D.        The first provides evidence in support of the conclusion of the argument; the second is that conclusion.
E.        The first is a circumstance for which the astronomer seeks to provide an explanation; the second acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the explanation provided by the astronomer.



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