myice (冰冰)当前离线
Duke Fuqua phone interview @ 台北 The interviewer is a second year student in Fuqua, his name is Adam. He introduces himself first.Then ask me the following questions: Introduce yourself Why mba, why Fuqua?(What club do you intend to attend) Challenging Leadership experience If you have a ten page paper to work with a new teammate, how to start? How do you convince me to join your team? what personality do you seek for to work with? How to develop your personal skill in business school? Tell me your experience that you quit something. Tell me a experience that you got a constructive feedback, how do you react? A experience that you motivate a colleague. If you have 60 secends to speak to Adcom, what would you say? Any questions? 部分題目非一般常見, 不太好回答, 有幾個題目甚至聽到有些傻眼^^" 面試者feedback較少, 多為直接進入下一個問題, 感覺一般, 不是很有信心, good luck to everyone and myself!
stream 当前离线
shlshing 当前离线
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