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转]夏威夷大学商学院MFE奖学金信息(updated on 2010-03-24)

3)现在学校spring break, 3月29日开始上班。

2)early application的人评估已经结束。提前被录取的人应该已经收到email通知. 正常申请的人,现在还有机会,5月1日之后会集中评估.

1)early application已经截止。所有材料已经全的人,研究生院已经将材料都送到program,下周开始讨论early application的人。这个program有人数限制, 每年招满35个人就不再招了. 所以希望申请的人请尽快.

正常的deadline是4月1日(国际), 5月1日(美国)



我是夏威夷大学商学院的在读学生, 以前在寄托也受到很多飞友的帮助,现在与大家共享下面的奖学金信息。如有不妥之处,还请版主海涵。

夏威夷大学Shidler商学院的MFE program目前提供Scholarships(不需要做RA或者TA,不需要为学校或者系里工作)给所有的申请者,不分国籍。

关于MFE program的信息,请见网页
   http://www.hawaii.edu/graduatest ... ments/efg/fe/fe.htm

具体信息请看下面的邮件,任何有关申请或奖学金的问题,可以直接发信给 MFE program的
Pedro Villarreal, 他的联系方式如下:
   Email: villarr@hawaii.edu
   Tel: 001- 808-956-0327


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-----------------Email ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The earlyapplication deadline is January 15th and the normal application deadlineis April 1 (International Student Admission), & May 1 (DomesticStudent Admission). Early application is strongly recommended if you areapplying from abroad or if you want to apply for financial aid.

If you haven’t done your application, please submit the following information to prevent anydelays in consideration during the application process:
  • GRE score (official documents should be submitted to the Graduate Admissionsoffice)
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • University degree and grades (official documents should be submitted to theGraduate Admissions office)
  • Short statement of purpose (one A4 page is enough)
  • 2 references
  • Other supporting documents such as publications, achievements, etc.
  • TOEFL/IELTS scores( International Students only)

The qualifications for the MFE program are an excellent score on the quantitative part of the GRE exam. Greatacademic grades and academic, professional achievement is also taken into account. We have $250,000 in scholarship money for candidates whosequalifications are exceptional.  Each student is issued a laptop for the duration of the program with the latest software such as MATLAB, Visual Studio2008, are allowed access to a Bloomberg terminal, etc.

The MFE Programweb site has more detailed information on classes, the application process, aswell as other material to be submitted directly to myself to be includedin the application process.

If you have anyquestions about the program or the application process don’t hesitate to let meknow.
Please also feel free to pass on this study opportunity to all students in your University.

Pedro Villarreal

Coordinator MFE Program,
University of Hawaii
Shidler College of Business
2404 Maile Way, D202
Honolulu, HI 96822
Email: villarr@hawaii.edu
Tel: USA (808)956-0327
---------------------Email end--------------------------------------------------------------------


下面这些问题可能对你了解Shidler商学院的MFE program有所帮助,请提问之前先阅读(updated on 2010-01-29)。

Q1: How many students in your current program?
A1: We started our first class with 29 students in 2009, including 12 from US, 2 from UK, 3 from China   mainland, 3 from Russia, 3 from Vietnam,2 from China Taiwan, 2 from India, 1 from Japan and 1 from Thailand.

Q2: How will I finance my education at the Shidler college of Business?
A2: scholarships are avalibale for all applicants. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of GRE score, academic achievements, and work experience. We have $250,000 in total per year for candidates whose qualifications are exceptional. Early application is strongly encouraged if you are applying from abroad or if you want to apply for financial aid.

Q3: why did I not know your program?
A3: we started our program from 2009.

Q4: What are the minimum test score required?
A4: The minimum GRE score is 750. Last year, the Student GRE Average was 786. Five students have PhD degree in our current class.

Q5: What is your tuition?
A5: The tuition fee for last year was $29,000 for international students and $19,000 for home students.

Q6: Is GMAT accepted?
A6: No, only GRE is accepted.

Q7: Can I waive Application fee?
A7: No.

Q8: 网站上提供的信息太少了. 比如faculty的具体信息就没有
A8: 给MFE program上课的老师,多数是business school的faculty, 也有少数来自bank。
     关于business school的faculty,请见

Q9: 学生怎得到实习机会呢?     
A9: 关于实习,business school每周都会有公司来学校招人,每学期还有一次大型的招聘会。09年10月的招聘会上,
      MerrillLynch(著名投行,现在已被Bank of America收购)招了5个MFE的学生去实习(这些学生刚进入MFE1个半月),为期半年。

Q10:  奖学金的信息我希望能多了解一些
A10:  奖学金,每个申请者都会有,拿多少就看你的实力了。你可以把你的CV和成绩单先发给MFE program的
       Pedro Villarreal,让他们来判断。 如果想多拿奖学金,GRE分数一定要高,特别是数学部分。当然了,你也可以告诉我你的大致情况(学校,专业,GPA, rank, GRE, work experience/internship),我可以根据去年的情况判断你大概可以拿多少(这只是个参考,具体还是由Program committee决定).


Q11:  去年的学生都是什么背景?
A11:  以前学什么的都有,数学,计算机,经济,金融,EE,  物理,MBA, 法律。学法律的哥们这次美国律师资格考试通过了,后面估计会去做律师。最厉害的是有个俄罗斯的哥们,以前自己是开公司的,这次把公司卖了来读书。还有一个小日本,以前在日本投行做quant,也跑来了。还有一个英国人,在美国stanford大学拿了天文学的博士学位,找不到工作,为了其美国女友(在加州工作),也跑到这个项目来了。当然了,也有弱的。有一个是国内三本,在清华读了个第二学位,然后以清华的名义申请,老美哪里知道其中的区别,结果被录取了,还拿到了奖学金。

Q12. I want to know if it is too late to apply for the program and also apply for the financial aid (2010-1-18).
A12: NO. You can apply for the program and the financial aidnow.  Jan 15 is the early application deadline. The normal deadline isApril 1.

Q13. about the statement of purpose, am I supposed to use the formprovided by the graduate admission office, or in a regular page with no restriction? In the end, there is a place requesting student ID. I don't know what it is.
A13: You can use a regular page with no restriction. If you apply MFE program online, you will get your application No.  If you are admitted by MFE program, this number is also your student ID at Uni. of Hawaii.

Q14: I currently in the US. Do you think it is good to call them and talk with them about the program directly?
A14: Of course, it will increase your chance to get scholarship from MFE program. It is better if you can call them between 10:00am-5:00pmat hawaii local time.

Q15.  麻烦问一下,hawaii的MFE好不好找工作?  faculty的network怎么样啊?
A15: MFE才办了一年,第一批学生是09年秋季入学的,现在还没有毕业生。 新的项目有好有外,正如一个网友所说,
Scholarships( 不需要做RA或者TA)的原因。后面Scholarships肯定是会越来越少,因为与第一年相比,申请

Q16:  GRE最少多少?
A16:  每年不一样,取决于当年的所有申请者,因为这个program有人数限制, 每年招满35个人就不再招了.
         如果想拿scholarship, 越高越好,特别是数学部分. 去年拿75%以上的数学都考了800.

Q17:  申请什么时候截止? 我现在申请,还有奖学金么?
A17:  现在只是early application截止. 正常申请deadline是4月1日(国际), 5月1日(美国). 只要在截止之前申请, 如果奖学金没有发完, 都有机会. 但这个program有人数限制, 每年招满35个人就不再招了.

Q18:  我已经在美国学习, 我还需要提供TOEFL成绩么?
A18:  不需要. 如果被录取, 只需要在报到之前拿到美国的学位证书.

Q19:  我怎么才能拿到全奖?
A19:  每个人的背景不一样. The qualifications for the MFE program are an excellent score on the quantitative part of the GRE exam. Greatacademic grades and academic, professional achievement is also taken into account. 去年的经验是拿Scholarship 75%以上的GRE数学部分800, GPA很高. 强烈建议已经在美国或者英文好的直接打电话给program的director: Gunter Meissner, 001- (808) 956-7738.

Q20: 请问这个学校的T和G的送分代码是多少呢?
A20: GRE: 4867.
        TOEFL:  4867





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