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求助 OG12-80 该如何理解选项

80. The passage suggests that Lebsock believes that compared to nineteenth-century American women, eighteenth-century American women were
(A)   in many respects less powerful in relation to   men
B)   more likely to own real estate
C)   generally more economically independent
D)   more independent in conducting their private lives
E)   less likely to work as school superintendents


选项A、B、E不是很理解。怎么样比较18th与19th 的美国女性呢?是不是19th有的特征,18th 就没?


Two works published in 1984 demonstrate
     contrasting approaches to writing the history of
     United States women. Buel and Buel’s biography of
      Mary Fish (1736–1818) makes little effort to place
(5)her story in the context of recent historiography on
       women. Lebsock, meanwhile, attempts not only to
      write the history of women in one southern
     community, but also to redirect two decades of
    historiographical debate as to whether women
(10) gained or lost status in the nineteenth century as
    compared with the eighteenth century. Although
    both books offer the reader the opportunity to
    assess this controversy regarding women’s status,
   only Lebsock’s deals with it directly. She examines
(15) several different aspects of women’s status, helping
       to rene and resolve the issues. She concludes that
      while women gained autonomy in some areas,
      especially in the private sphere, they lost it in many
     aspects of the economic sphere. More importantly,
(20) she shows that the debate itself depends on frame
    of reference: in many respects, women lost power
    in relation to men, for example, as certain jobs
   (delivering babies, supervising schools) were taken
   over by men. Yet women also gained power in
(25) comparison with their previous status, owning a
   higher proportion of real estate, for example. In
   contrast, Buel and Buel’s biography provides ample
    raw material for questioning the myth, fostered by

  some historians, of a colonial golden age in the
(30)eighteenth century but does not give the reader
     much guidance in analyzing the controversy over
     women’s status.
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我是很疑问这段话中前面暗示说19世纪 women  lost in economic sphere,后面又有提到19世纪women 与之前相比, higher propotion of real estate.  这不是前后矛盾吗??

还是难道economic与real estste不是一个概念。。我理解是都是经济方面。

请教NN ~~~


其实,这题的答案在你高亮文字中,写的比较明显了, 可能楼主想得太多了, 文章作者明确说了, 18世纪女人经济上更自主,   18世纪女人拥有的房产比例更小,   

其实, 经济上更自主, 和房产比例更小 ,  并不一定矛盾. 这里的owning a
  higher proportion of real estate,  是指和男人相比,就是夫妻中, 作为共同财产的房产权,比例更高, 就是19世纪女人可以和丈夫分享更高比例的房产拥有权.   
可能楼主翻译成女人可以更有钱买房子了, 是吧,  文中用proportion of real estate.意思房产中更高的比例.  似乎不大象可以买的起更多的房子.

所以, 这和经济独立自主并不矛盾, 这可能是一个法律和人权问题. 也就是说owning a  higher proportion of real estate  说明女人人权和法律地位的提升. 不是更有钱.

其他选项都很好理解, 你就从高亮的文字中,就可以找到答案.


(1)  经济上更自主,
(2)  拥有的房产比例更小,   
(3)  私人空间自主权更弱
(4)  相对男人有更多机会参与如: 带小孩, 参与学校事务的工作

根据以上4点, 就可以对所有选项进行比对了


其实,这题的答案在你高亮文字中,写的比较明显了, 可能楼主想得太多了, 文章作者明确说了, 18世纪女人经济上 ...
qurssrou 发表于 2010-3-26 07:03







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