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Ross: The profitability of Company X, restored to private ownership five years ago, is clear evidence that businesses will always fare better under private than under public ownership.

Julia: Wrong. A close look at the records shows that X has been profitable since the appointment of a first-class manager, which happened while X was still in the public sector.

Which of the following best describes the weak point in Ross’s claim on which Julia’s response focuses?
(A)The evidence Ross cites comes from only a single observed case, that of Company X.
(B)The profitability of Company X might be only temporary.
(C)Ross’s statement leaves open the possibility that the cause he cites came after the effect he attributes to it.
(D)No mention is made of companies that are partly government owned and partly privately owned.
(E)No exact figures are given for the current profits of Company X.
为什么不是A呢,julia说公司开始盈利是从fist-class manager被聘请开始的,所以可能是因为这个mnager导致公司盈利的。所以ross只是从一个方面即公私有制考虑问题。
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