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[阅读资料] 阅读新题 10.Skimming pricing 和 Penetration strategy 重要考古

V1 by koncat(660)
V2 by jiyiflora
skimming price有利作短期暴利的
V3 by yzynina
先介绍two new pricing strategies,然后专讲其中一种非常适合现在这个市场,叫做SKIMMING STRATEGY
考古:by somervill
第一段先说什么predatory price 的战略(我这里简称价格战吧,虽然有点不符合,大家凑合看)的定义,然后说企业要进行价格战有哪些必要的factor,有四个 (出题,哪个因素是不必要的)。然后还说了一句什么,不认识那个单词。(出题,这一段的论述结构是?)【补充下,大企业通过把价格降低到成本以下,把其他竞争对手挤出市场,然后再慢慢把价格回升。】
版本三:第一段        讲大公司定价低以挤走competitor的策略虽然有好处,但是也有代价的,比如一旦把对手挤出市场,要保证自己有足够的生产能力cover多余的order,还比如order多了,承担的损失也大了。
引用一下机经中的“然后说企业要进行价格战有哪些必要的factor,有四个 (出题,哪个因素是不必要的),” 我选的是要有别人(政府)的投资补助
第二段  有办法能sustain 这些,第一,要求公司大的话有别的部门的利润能cover这个部门的损失,但是实际上公司有损失这是一定的,第二,有办法找投资者(还是政府补助),但是这些人也可能发现投资给后期要进入市场的公司更能盈利而不一定要给这个大公司。
第三段        讲而且大公司在成功排除competitors后还要面临其他公司再进入市场的可能,而且要make sure 后期的盈利能cover前期的损失。(后来因为担心来不及,没完全看懂就做题了)
版本四:就是侵略性定价策略的,那个很长,不过条理清晰。先说这个策略对于使用者来说cost more 比起victims,为什么呢,因为1要有很高市场份额,2要有能力降到很低价格,3要有很强的xx渠道什么的,4还有个什么,最后说应用这个策略会怎样,然后有个题就问第一段是什么stucture, 我选的一个claim先show,然后选evidence,blabla那个,ms是A,不知道对错。然后第二段说,由于这个策略会让使用者承受到很大压力,所以要有out finace什么的,但是经过调查还是分析,这个out finace并不是关键点(没时间了这块我没看……)。然后最后说,能否回收profit最重要的还是barrier的设立,要特别高,不管事entry还是exit,这里有题,就问回收profit的关键是什么。(回忆人730分)
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考古 by somervill
讲的是两重价格策略,penetration pricing and skimming pricing.第一段概念介绍,skimming 是价格先高后低,短期内获得最大利润。penetration 相反,逐渐提高价格,是个着眼长期利润。
第二段分析了在当前情况下,很快新产品的优势就没有了,就要在短时期内采取skimming pricing,在新科技垄断被打破前获得更多利润
1)skimming price 和 penetration price 的题目, 大意是有别于 stable pricing strategy, 现在有两种pricing分别是skimming和peneration price
但第二段最后指出了skimming会让价格下降很快所以compress了research等费用。(注意这里有题,是问compress这句是作者in order to....我选的是指出了skimming的不足)。第三段说现在情况下,penetration不好用了,因为根本没有future.
说是与传统销售不同的两种销售tactic。1)Skimming sales. 2)penetrating sales. Skiming 是短期用来尽量卖高价,然后随着市场的变动再降价。因为好像主要是利润不大确定,为了短期内收回成本,所以开始定高价; penetrating是为了占据市场,而是价格不定那么高
其中有第一题和第三题(题号熟悉有些不确定)应该都是定位第三段,第三题应该是一道关于"inferior product" inference,偶是对对第三段的superior product取非
销售的tactic,一个是skimming sales(对于high profile得产品要高价出市场一个是penetrating sales (扩大市场share)
第一段: 第一种是skimming price是说趁着这个产品还有垄断优势的时候,提高价格卖,可以短期达到maximum profit,第二种名字忘了.反正是说降低价格卖,然后占有market share,增加sales volume
第二段: 讲了skimming price更适合现在这种技术更新的时代,可以提高short term提高利润,然后很快题目一cover investment and research cost ,有题目说为什么这么说
题目二 这篇文章说了什么,我选是介绍了两种不同定价方法, 而且选择了其中一种并适用某一个情况
题目三 好像是文章暗示什么情况下选skimming price strategy,选这个产品还有monopoly的时候,文章没直接说monopoly,但是从文章种可以判断 一定选这个选项
最记忆深刻就是什么时候用skimming price 选monopoly。
第一段: 讲现在商品有两种定价策略. 以下是我自己上网查的整段就是在解释两种定价策略
1. Skimming price: skimming price最高利益获取价,即指厂家最高获利之价格(文中有讲到short-term,应该是只在短时间内获得最高利益),但是商品价格会降的很快
2. 市场渗透定价法(market-penetration pricing),着眼于市场的快速占有或将新产品价格订低价以吸引大量的购买者(文中有讲到这个是重视long term的方法,一开始扩大市占率)
第二段:作者说,以现在的market情况看来,skimming price的定价策略似乎较好,因为产品的生命周期很短,所以在最短时间内就把成本回收比较好,虽然之后商品常常降的比预期的快(文中用....than expected/thought),最后一句话意思说:虽然牺牲了long term的发展,但是作者认为没关系,因为这些产品no future(意思应该是指产品周期很短,跟本没有未来可言,当然是尽量在短时间内回收成本,再投入研发新产品比较重要)
作者还说:用skimming price会compress research investment on new product(不知到意思是不是会缩短产品研发周期)(这边有一题:把compress....那句话反黄 忘了问啥)
Compress: press something into a smaller space
Q:忘了 Ans:作者在现在的市场条件下,是支持skimming price的
V7 (重要,详细!)
有一篇新的讲pricing strategy:
第一段解释两种新的定价策略: 讲由于最近经济的发展以前用的stable pricing 已经不适用了,取而代之的是另外两种pricing strategy:skimming pricing and penetration pricing. Skimming pricing就是在产品刚上市的短期以内,趁产品还很有竞争优势,maximize short-term price, 等别人的产品优势也赶上来了,再减价。其实也就是,先把价格定在利润最大化价格或者最大化价格,以图在短期取得最大的利润,然后慢慢降价。Penetration pricing就是在产品上市时定一个比较低的价格,目标在于争取顾客,争取市场份额。
第二段讲由于现在的市场竞争太激烈,产品竞争优势很难保持,(好像是较低的价格也不容易争取到市场份额),更加适用close to利润最大化价格的定价策略,即还是采用skimming pricing比较好。然后解释原因:
(1) 因为现在新商品刚出来的那会的时间在减少-----即新商品刚开发出来的时候别的竞争者海没有开发出于起竞争的商品的时间在减少,直接导致产品的生命周期很短, 所以在最短时间内就把成本回收比较好, 虽然在这之后商品常常降的比预期的快。企业采用Skimming pricing则能从maximize short-term price中来recover research and development costs 的时间就比较短;
(2) 采用penetrate pricing的目标在于保持长期的优势,但是现在产品在更替太快,所以长期根本都不存在。当然skimming pricing也有缺点,作者在最后一句话说,skimming虽然牺牲了long-term的发展, 但是作者认为没关系, 因为这些产品no future,意思应该是指产品周期很短, 根本没有未来可言, 当然是尽量在短时间内回收成本, 再投入研发新产品比较重要。
有题问skimming适合哪种情况,A我觉得不对,他说是新商平的长期前途是certain的时候用,但是原文中是certainly no future的时候用,certain也可以是有future的certain,我选的是:当产品刚出来时有一个短期的近乎垄断的状态的时候。还是那句话大家斟酌。
pricing strategies - skimming
定义: The practice of ‘price skimming’ involves charging a relatively high price for a short time where a new, innovative, or much-improved product is launched onto a market.
Price SkimmingPrice skimming is a pricing strategy in which a marketer sets a relatively high price for a product or service at first, then lowers the price over time. It is a temporal version of price discrimination/yield management. It allows the firm to recover its sunk costs quickly before competition steps in and lowers the market price.
The objective with skimming is to “skim” off customers who are willing to pay more to have the product sooner; prices are lowered later when demand from the “early adopters” falls.
Price skimming is sometimes referred to as riding down the demand curve. The objective of a price skimming strategy is to capture the consumer surplus If this is done successfully, then theoretically no customer will pay less for the product than the maximum they are willing to pay. In practice it is impossible for a firm to capture all of this surplus.
成功因素: The success of a price-skimming strategy is largely dependent on the inelasticity (无弹性)of demand for the product either by the market as a whole, or by certain market segments.
High prices can be enjoyed in the short term where demand is relatively inelastic. In the short term the supplier benefits from ‘monopoly profits’, but as profitability increases, competing suppliers are likely to be attracted to the market (depending on the barriers to entry in the market) and the price will fall as competition increases.
The main objective of employing a price-skimming strategy is, therefore, to benefit from high short-term profits (due to the newness of the product) and from effective market segmentation.
There are several advantages of price skimming
? Where a highly innovative product is launched, research and development costs are likely to be high, as are the costs of introducing the product to the market via promotion, advertising etc. In such cases, the practice of price-skimming allows for some return on the set-up costs
? By charging high prices initially, a company can build a high-quality image for its product. Charging initial high prices allows the firm the luxury of reducing them when the threat of competition arrives. By contrast, a lower initial price would be difficult to increase without risking the loss of sales volume
? Skimming can be an effective strategy in segmenting the market. A firm can divide the market into a number of segments and reduce the price at different stages in each, thus acquiring maximum profit from each segment
? Where a product is distributed via dealers, the practice of price-skimming is very popular, since high prices for the supplier are translated into high mark-ups for the dealer
? For ‘conspicuous’ or ‘prestige goods’, the practice of price skimming can be particularly successful, since the buyer tends to be more ‘prestige’ conscious than price conscious. Similarly, where the quality differences between competing brands is perceived to be large, or for offerings where such differences are not easily judged, the skimming strategy can work well. An example of the latter would be for the manufacturers of ‘designer-label’ clothing.
Limitations of Price Skimming
There are several potential problems with this strategy.
It is effective only when the firm is facing an inelastic demand curve. If the long run demand schedule is elastic (as in the diagram to the left), market equilibrium will be achieved by quantity changes rather than price changes. Penetration pricing is a more suitable strategy in this case. Price changes by any one firm will be matched by other firms resulting in a rapid growth in industry volume. Dominant market share will typically be obtained by a low cost producer that pursues a penetration strategy.  
A price skimmer must be careful with the law. Price discrimination is illegal in many jurisdictions, but yield(产量) management is not. Price skimming can be considered either a form of price discrimination or a form of yield management. Price discrimination uses market characteristics (such as price elasticity) to adjust prices, whereas yield management uses product characteristics. Marketers see this legal distinction as quaint since in almost all cases market characteristics correlate highly with product characteristics. If using a skimming strategy, a marketer must speak and think in terms of product characteristics in order to stay on the right side of the law.
The inventory turn rate can be very low for skimmed products. This could cause problems for the manufacturer's distribution chain. It may be necessary to give retailers higher margins to convince them to enthusiastically handle the product.
Skimming encourages the entry of competitors. When other firms see the high margins available in the industry, they will quickly enter.
Skimming results in a slow rate of stuff diffusion and adaptation. This results in a high level of untapped(未使用的) demand. This gives competitors time to either imitate the product or leap frog it with a new innovation. If competitors do this, the window of opportunity will have been lost.
The manufacturer could develop negative publicity if they lower the price too fast and without significant product changes. Some early purchasers will feel they have been ripped-off. They will feel it would have been better to wait and purchase the product at a much lower price. This negative sentiment will be transferred to the brand and the company as a whole.
High margins may make the firm inefficient. There will be no incentive to keep costs under control. Inefficient practices will become established making it difficult to compete on value or price.
是问compress这句是作者in order to....我选的是指出了skimming的不足
这边有一题:把compress....那句话反黄 忘了问啥
定位第三段,第三题应该是一道关于"inferior product" inference,偶是对对第三段的superior product取非
cover investment and research cost ,有题目说为什么这么说
这篇文章说了什么/ 还有一个说问文章的主题的
我选是介绍了两种不同定价方法, 而且选择了其中一种并适用某一个情况
好像是文章暗示什么情况下选skimming price strategy/ 有题问skimming适合哪种情况
选这个产品还有monopoly的时候,文章没直接说monopoly,但是从文章种可以判断 一定选这个选项
A我觉得不对,他说是新商平的长期前途是certain的时候用,但是原文中是certainly no future的时候用,certain也可以是有future的certain
忘了 Ans:作者在现在的市场条件下,是支持skimming price的
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