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145. Between 1975 and 1985, nursing-home occupancy rates averaged 87 percent of capacity,
while admission rates remained constant, at an average of 95 admissions per 1,000 beds per
year. Between 1985 and 1988, however, occupancy rates rose to an average of 92 percent of
capacity, while admission rates declined to 81 per 1,000 beds per year.

If the statements above are true, which of the following conclusions can be most properly
(A) The average length of time nursing-home residents stayed in nursing homes increased
between 1985 and 1988.
(B) The proportion of older people living in nursing homes was greater in 1988 than in
(C) Nursing home admission rates tend to decline whenever occupancy rates rise.
(D) Nursing homes built prior to 1985 generally had fewer beds than did nursing homes
built between 1985 and 1988.
(E) The more beds a nursing home has, the higher its occupancy rate is likely to be.

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大意就是说1975-1985间occupancy rates 是87,admission rates 是95。而1985-1988间,虽然occupancy rates上升到92,但是admission rates却下降81。
A说是因为病人在医院呆的时间长了,在1985-1988间,所以解释了occupancy rates上升但是admission rates却下降的矛盾,因为呆的时间长了,保证了occupancy rates,但是却阻止了admission rates。


画蛇添足说一下,关于nursing home

longman 解释:a place where people who are old and ill can live and be looked after [synonym] old people's home

collins 解释: A nursing home is a private hospital, especially one for old people. [例句] Isaac Binger has died in a nursing home in Florida at the age of 87.



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