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8. Which of the following best completes the passage below?

At large amusement parks, live shows are used very deliberately to influence crowd movements. Lunchtime performances relieve the pressure on a park’s restaurants. Evening performances have a rather different purpose: to encourage visitors to stay for supper. Behind this surface divergence in immediate purpose there is the unified underlying goal of______

(A) keeping the lines at the various rides short by drawing off part of the crowd

(B) enhancing revenue by attracting people who come only for the live shows and then leave the park

(C) avoiding as far as possible traffic jams caused by visitors entering or leaving the park

(D) encouraging as many people as possible to come to the park in order to eat at the restaurantsE

(E) utilizing the restaurants at optimal levels for as much of the day as possible

What does E mean?    "as much of the day as possible"?
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还是不太明白,前面讲中午要尽可能减少对饭店的压力,晚上要尽可能地留客户吃晚饭. 然后出来一句Behind this surface divergence in immediate purpose there is the unified underlying goal of, 好象看上去应该开始讲除了上面讲到的对饭店客流方面的目的之外还有其他的目的,那似乎应该开始讲别的利益了. 但是选E的话,不是还是在讲饭店客流吗?

请教一记了. 谢谢.


前面讲两个时间live shows目的的表面不同之处,后面讲两个时间live shows的内在相同之处,构成一个完整的逻辑结构。



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